

distrib > Scientific%20Linux > 5x > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 4b9945308a4ba163aa4bbd43d0a1135d > files > 45


diff -urN a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/
--- a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/	2011-02-25 11:06:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# CVE-2010-XXXX hotfix
+import safe_html
+import logging
+    'safe_html patched')
diff -urN a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/README.txt b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/README.txt
--- a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/README.txt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/README.txt	2011-02-25 11:06:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Plone Hotfix 2010-06-12
+The fix
+This hotfix causes the safe_html transform to be executed twice to close the
+attack vector described in CVE-2010-2422 which allows injection of arbitrary
+HTML that should normally be filtered. This implementation adds a small
+performance penalty to the calculation of the safe_html transform, which
+occurs on the first viewing of an object after creation, editing, or a server
+To exploit this flaw untrusted users must be able to author content on a
+website.  Thanks go to Alan Hoey for reporting this flaw.
+Installation for Plone 2.1 - 3.1 users
+To install this hotfix add the directory PloneHotfix20100612 to your instance
+products directory. If the hotfix has been successfully added you will see the
+following message when starting the instance in foreground mode:
+2010-06-12 23:54:28 INFO PloneHotfix20100612 safe_html patched
+Installation for Plone 3.2 and 3.3 users
+Although this hotfix will work with any version of Plone, users of Plone 3.2
+to Plone 3.3.5 should instead add the following to their buildout
+configuration files and re-run buildout:
+Products.PortalTransforms = 1.6.12
+There will be no confirmation message on start-up, so the presence of the fix
+can be verified by checking the version number of PortalTransforms in the Zope
+Control Panel.
+Users of Plone 3.3.6 and above are unaffected.
+Information for Plone 4 users
+No stable versions of Plone 4 are affected by this bug. Plone beta testers are
+reminded that beta versions are not intended for use on production sites.
+* Update readme with CVE number
+  [MatthewWilkes]
+* Initial implementation
+  [MatthewWilkes]
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/
--- a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612/	2011-02-25 11:06:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from Products.PortalTransforms.transforms import safe_html
+convert_function = safe_html.SafeHTML.convert
+def convert(self, orig, data, **kwargs):
+    """Runs the standard safe_html transform twice."""
+    halfway = convert_function(self, orig, data, **kwargs)
+    return convert_function(self, halfway.getData(), halfway, **kwargs)
+safe_html.SafeHTML.convert = convert
diff -urN a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/
--- a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/	2011-02-25 11:06:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+from AccessControl.PermissionRole import PermissionRole
+import Products.CMFPlone
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('PloneHotfix20110720')
+class PatchTarget(object):
+    klass = None
+    methods = ()
+    set_roles = ('Manager',)
+    kill_docstrings = False
+    def __init__(self, klass, **kw):
+        self.klass = klass
+        self.__dict__.update(kw)
+targets = [
+    PatchTarget('Products.Archetypes.ReferenceEngine.ReferenceCatalog',
+                kill_docstrings = True),
+    PatchTarget('Products.Archetypes.Referenceable.Referenceable',
+                kill_docstrings = True),
+    PatchTarget('Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog.ZCatalog',
+                kill_docstrings = True, methods=['getMetadataForRID',
+                'getMetadataForUID', 'getIndexDataForRID', 'getIndexDataForUID',
+                'getrid', 'resolve_path']),
+    PatchTarget('Products.PluggableAuthService.PluggableAuthService.PluggableAuthService',
+                methods='monkeys'),
+    PatchTarget('Products.PortalTransforms.TransformEngine.TransformTool',
+                methods=('convertTo', 'registerTransform', 'unregisterTransform'),
+                set_roles=()),
+    PatchTarget('Products.PortalTransforms.Transform.Transform',
+                methods=('convert',),
+                set_roles=()),
+    PatchTarget('Products.PlonePAS.plugins.user.UserManager',
+                set_roles=PermissionRole('Manage users', ('Manager',))),
+    PatchTarget('',
+                methods=('deleteUser', 'enumerateUsers')),
+    PatchTarget('Products.CMFPlone.PropertiesTool.PropertiesTool',
+                methods=('addPropertySheet',)),
+    PatchTarget('Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool.QuickInstallerTool.QuickInstallerTool',
+                methods=('isProductInstalled',)),
+    PatchTarget(''),
+    ]
+def get_klass(dottedname):
+    parts = dottedname.split('.')
+    klassname = parts.pop()
+    modulename = '.'.join(parts)
+    try:
+        return getattr(__import__(modulename, [], [], [klassname]), klassname)
+    except:
+        raise ImportError
+def initialize(context):
+    from Products.PloneHotfix20110720.publisher import install_patch
+    install_patch()
+    for target in targets:
+        try:
+            klass = get_klass(target.klass)
+        except ImportError:
+            continue
+        for k,v in klass.__dict__.items():
+            if target.methods == 'monkeys':
+                modname = getattr(v, '__module__', '') or ''
+                if klass.__module__ == modname:
+                    continue
+            elif target.methods and k not in target.methods:
+                continue
+            if not callable(v):
+                continue
+            if k.startswith('_'):
+                continue
+            roles = getattr(klass, '%s__roles__' % k, None)
+            if roles is None:
+                if target.kill_docstrings:
+                    if getattr(v, '__doc__', None):
+                        try:
+                            del v.__doc__
+                        except:
+                            pass
+                        try:
+                            del v.im_func.__doc__
+                        except:
+                            pass
+                else:
+                    setattr(klass, '%s__roles__' % k, target.set_roles)
+'Hotfix installed.')
diff -urN a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/
--- a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/	2011-02-25 11:06:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+import re
+from Acquisition import aq_base
+    from Acquisition.interfaces import IAcquirer
+    ZOPE_210 = False
+except ImportError:
+    # Zope < 2.12
+    IAcquirer = None
+    ZOPE_210 = True
+from zExceptions import Forbidden, NotFound
+from Products.PloneHotfix20110720 import logger
+    '10': 13, # 2.10.13
+    '11': 8,  # 2.11.8
+    '12': 15, # 2.12.15
+    '13': 3,  # 2.13.3
+    }
+patch = True
+    import pkg_resources
+    zope_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('Zope2').version
+    # We can't determine the version, so we patch if possible
+'Cannot determine Zope version, attempting to patch DefaultPublishTraverse')
+    try:
+        major, minor, sub = zope_version.split('.')
+    except:
+'Cannot determine Zope version, attempting to patch DefaultPublishTraverse')
+    else:
+        major,minor,sub = zope_version.split('.')
+        sub_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)', sub)
+        sub_version = sub_match and int(sub_match.groups()[0])
+        sub_patched = PATCHED_ZOPE_VERSIONS.get(minor, None)
+        if sub_patched and sub_version >= sub_patched:
+  'Zope version %s already contains DefaultPublishTraverse fix'%zope_version)
+            patch = False
+    from ZPublisher.BaseRequest import DefaultPublishTraverse
+    from ZPublisher.BaseRequest import typeCheck
+except ImportError:
+    # patch not needed in Zope 2.9
+    DefaultPublishTraverse = None
+    from zope.component import queryMultiAdapter
+    from zope.interface import Interface
+    def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
+        object = self.context
+        URL=request['URL']
+        if name[:1]=='_':
+            raise Forbidden("Object name begins with an underscore at: %s" % URL)
+        if hasattr(object,'__bobo_traverse__'):
+            try:
+                subobject=object.__bobo_traverse__(request, name)
+                if type(subobject) is type(()) and len(subobject) > 1:
+                    # If traversal returns a tuple treat it as a sequence
+                    # of objects traversed over in the background
+                    request['PARENTS'][-1:] = list(subobject[:-1])
+                    object, subobject = subobject[-2:]            
+            except (AttributeError, KeyError, NotFound), e:
+                # Try to find a view
+                subobject = queryMultiAdapter((object, request), Interface, name)                
+                if subobject is not None:
+                    # OFS.Application.__bobo_traverse__ calls
+                    # REQUEST.RESPONSE.notFoundError which sets the HTTP
+                    # status code to 404
+                    request.response.setStatus(200)
+                    # We don't need to do the docstring security check
+                    # for views, so lets skip it and return the object here.
+                    if ZOPE_210 or (IAcquirer and IAcquirer.providedBy(subobject)):
+                        subobject = subobject.__of__(object)
+                    return subobject
+                # No view found. Reraise the error raised by __bobo_traverse__
+                raise e
+        else:
+            # No __bobo_traverse__
+            # Try with an unacquired attribute:
+            if hasattr(aq_base(object), name):
+                subobject = getattr(object, name)
+            else:
+                # We try to fall back to a view:
+                subobject = queryMultiAdapter((object, request), Interface,
+                                              name)
+                if subobject is not None:
+                    if ZOPE_210 or (IAcquirer and IAcquirer.providedBy(subobject)):
+                        subobject = subobject.__of__(object)
+                    return subobject
+                # And lastly, of there is no view, try acquired attributes, but
+                # only if there is no __bobo_traverse__:
+                try:
+                    subobject=getattr(object, name)
+                    # Again, clear any error status created by __bobo_traverse__
+                    # because we actually found something:
+                    request.response.setStatus(200)
+                except AttributeError:
+                    pass
+                # Lastly we try with key access:
+                if subobject is None:
+                    try:
+                        subobject = object[name]
+                    except TypeError: # unsubscriptable
+                        raise KeyError(name)
+        # Ensure that the object has a docstring. Objects that
+        # have an empty or missing docstring are not published.
+        doc = getattr(subobject, '__doc__', None)
+        if not doc:
+            raise Forbidden(
+                "The object at %s has an empty or missing " \
+                "docstring. Objects must have a docstring to be " \
+                "published." % URL
+                )
+        if not typeCheck(subobject):
+            raise Forbidden(
+                "The object at %s is not publishable." % URL
+                )
+        return subobject
+def install_patch():
+    # patch publishTraverse
+    if patch and DefaultPublishTraverse is not None:
+'Patching ZPublisher.DefaultPublishTraverse.publishTraverse')
+        DefaultPublishTraverse.publishTraverse = publishTraverse
diff -urN a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/README.txt b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/README.txt
--- a/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/README.txt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ b/luci/site/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720/README.txt	2011-02-25 11:06:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Plone Hotfix for CVE 2011-0720
+This is a critical security hotfix which should be applied to the following
+versions of Plone:
+* Plone 4 <= 4.0.3
+* Plone 3 <= 3.3.5
+* Any version of Plone 2.5, 2.1, or 2.0
+Additional information about the hotfix including frequently asked questions
+is available at
+This hotfix applies the following modifications to improve Plone security:
+* Applies security declarations to some methods that were missing them, in order
+  to address the vulnerability identified in `CVE 2011-0720`_. The vulnerability
+  discussed there affects Plone 2.5 and greater.
+* Applies security declarations and removal of docstrings to some additional
+  methods that were identified by the Plone security team in an audit following
+  the identification of CVE 2011-0720. This includes some methods present in Plone
+  2.0 and 2.1.
+* If necessary, applies a patch to the ZPublisher to fix an issue with the checking
+  of whether traversed methods are publishable. This issue affects Plone 3.0 and
+  higher, and is also available in the following new Zope2 releases:
+  2.10.13, 2.11.8, 2.12.15, 2.13.4
+.. _`CVE 2011-0720`:
+Installation instructions can be found at
+1.1 (2011-02-08)
+- Try 2 ways to delete the docstring as we had one report of the way we were
+  using not working (thanks Andrew Mleczko for the report).
+  [davisagli]
+- Fix issue with application to some recent revisions of Zope 2.10. Thanks to
+  Ethan Jucovy for calling this to our attention.
+  [davisagli]
+1.0 (2011-02-08)
+- Initial release
+  [Plone security team]
diff -urN a/luci/site/Makefile b/luci/site/Makefile
--- a/luci/site/Makefile	2009-05-21 09:35:23.000000000 -0400
+++ b/luci/site/Makefile	2011-02-25 11:06:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@
 	${INSTALL_DIR} -m 700 ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/Products/ManagedSystem/skins
 	${INSTALL_FILE} -m 644 `find luci/Products/ManagedSystem/skins -maxdepth 1 -type f` ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/Products/ManagedSystem/skins
+	${INSTALL_DIR} -m 700 ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612
+	${INSTALL_FILE} -m 644 `find luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612 -maxdepth 1 -type f | grep .py | grep -v \~ | grep -v \#` ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20100612
+	${INSTALL_DIR} -m 700 ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720
+	${INSTALL_FILE} -m 644 `find luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720 -maxdepth 1 -type f | grep .py | grep -v \~ | grep -v \#` ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/Products/PloneHotfix20110720
 	${INSTALL_DIR} -m 700 ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/var
 	${INSTALL_FILE} -m 600 luci/var/Data.fs ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/var/Data.fs
 	${INSTALL_DIR} -m 700 ${DESTDIR}/var/lib/luci/var/pts