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<TITLE>Tux Racer</TITLE>
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<p class="bodytext">&nbsp;&nbsp;Hosted by:<BR>&nbsp;<A href=""> 
<IMG align="absmiddle"
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    ><table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="550"><tr><td
      ><p class="heading1">News</p><p class="heading3">Tux Racer Review on <span class="heading4">Saturday, January 13, 2001</span></p>
<p class="bodytext">
<p class="bodytext">

The January 2001 edition of <A HREF="" ></A> includes a 
<A HREF="" >review of Tux Racer</A>.


<p class="heading3">Macintosh Port Available <span class="heading4">Tuesday, November 21, 2000</span></p>
<p class="bodytext">
<p class="bodytext">

<A HREF="" >Darrell Walisser</A> has ported Tux Racer to the Mac!  We've placed a link in
the <A HREF="./download.html" >Downloads</A> section.  Thanks Darrell!


<p class="heading3">Tux Racer Preview at <span class="heading4">Friday, October 27, 2000</span></p>
<p class="bodytext">
<p class="bodytext">

<A HREF="" ></A> has posted an <A HREF="" >article</A>
about Tux Racer.


<p class="heading3">Planned Features for Tux Racer 1.0 Announced <span class="heading4">Tuesday, October 24, 2000</span></p>
<p class="bodytext">
<p class="bodytext">

We've <A HREF="./game_info.html#PlannedFeatures">posted</A> a list of
planned features for Tux Racer 1.0.  Check them out and
<A HREF="">contact us</A> to
request a feature that isn't on the list!


<p class="bodytext">[<A HREF="./oldnews.html" >Old news items</A>]</p>
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