

distrib > PLD > ac > amd64 > by-pkgid > 8c9a1d09a33f0810778b12e76cfdc6bf > files > 3


# $Revision: 1.30 $, $Date: 2003/11/23 14:28:27 $
Summary:	Clone of the POSIX conform editor 'vi'
Summary(de):	Klon des POSIX konformen Editors 'vi'
Summary(pl):	Klon edytora POSIX-owego 'vi' i 'ex'
Name:		nvi
Version:	1.79
Release:	7
License:	BSD
Group:		Applications/System
# Source0-md5:	765e2153f5fc4f21793f2edc2647305a
Patch0:		%{name}.patch
BuildRequires:	automake
BuildRequires:	ncurses-devel >= 5.0
Provides:	vi
Obsoletes:	vim-static
Obsoletes:	elvis-static
BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)

A freely redistributable replacement for the Berkeley ex and vi text

%description -l de
Frei verbreitabrer Ersatz für die Brekeley Text-Editoren vi und ex.

%description -l pl
Programy zastepcze dla Berkeley-owskich edytorów tekstów ex i vi.

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1

# these were deleted by previous version of patch
rm -f docs/USD.doc/{edit/,exref/,exref/} \
	docs/USD.doc/{vi.0,} \
	docs/USD.doc/vi.ref/{,,vi.ref.txt} \

cd build
cp -f /usr/share/automake/config.* .
CFLAGS="%{rpmcflags} -I/usr/include/ncurses"
LDFLAGS="-lncurses %{rpmldflags}"
%configure2_13 \
	--disable-curses \

install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_mandir}/man1,%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}-%{version},/bin,/sbin}

install docs/USD.doc/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/vi.1
install build/nvi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin/vi

ln -sf vi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin/ex
ln -sf vi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin/view

echo ".so vi.1" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/ex.1
echo ".so vi.1" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/view.1

install build/recover $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/recover


%attr(755,root,root) /bin/*
%attr(755,root,root) /sbin/recover

%define date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>

$Log: nvi.spec,v $
Revision 1.30  2003/11/23 14:28:27  qboosh
- patch0 ungzipped, cleaned up; file removal moved to %%prep
- use bundled stripped down db 1.85 instead of system db1

Revision 1.29  2003/11/23 05:00:43  speedy
- release 7 for AC

Revision 1.28  2003/05/28 13:00:01  malekith
- massive attack: source-md5

Revision 1.27  2003/05/25 05:51:16  misi3k
- massive attack s/

Revision 1.26  2002/11/27 18:27:39  juandon
- new %%doc

Revision 1.25  2002/04/11 12:35:39  qboosh
- Obsoletes: vim-static, elvis-static; release 6

Revision 1.24  2002/02/22 23:29:20  kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating
  Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.23  2002/02/18 08:38:08  marcus
- rel.5.

Revision 1.22  2002/01/18 02:14:05  kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\\"

Revision 1.21  2001/11/04 08:41:50  ankry
- gzipped the huge patch. Is there everything in the patch really necessary?
  It is greater then the original source!!!

Revision 1.20  2001/11/04 02:47:55  blues
- URL updated (based on web page)

Revision 1.19  2001/08/09 00:51:51  agaran
without that it dont build, aclocal/autoconf regeneration dont help

Revision 1.18  2001/05/02 16:29:09  qboosh
- adapterized and made spec %%debug ready or added using %%rpm*flags macros

Revision 1.17  2000/07/13 23:17:55  baggins
- release 4
- rebuild with ncurses 5.1

Revision 1.16  2000/06/09 07:54:44  kloczek
- more %%{__make} macros.

Revision 1.15  2000/04/01 11:15:08  zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines

Revision 1.14  2000/03/28 16:54:42  baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.13  1999/11/17 00:42:50  kloczek
- release 3,
- build against ncurses 5.0.

Revision 1.12  1999/07/20 12:48:09  wiget
- switch to rpm 3.0.2

Revision 1.11  1999/07/12 23:06:11  kloczek
- added using CVS keywords in %changelog (for automating them).

* Sun May 30 1999 Tomasz K³oczko <>
- disable using curses headre files durin compilation,
- added URL,
- more rpm macros,
- added full Source: Url.

* Thu Apr 15 1999 Tomasz K³oczko <>
- removed man group from man pages,
- link against libncurses instead libtermcap,
- added -s to LDFLAGS,
- ex(1) and view(1) man pages make as *roff include,
- added some %doc.

* Wed Apr  7 1999 Marcin Dalecki <>
- Initial release for PLD.