

distrib > PLD > ac > amd64 > by-pkgid > 41479856ae961c10ba10e4006fb1e639 > files > 4


# $Revision: 1.30 $, $Date: 2004/08/18 19:33:55 $
Summary:	CMatrix - show a scrolling 'Matrix' like screen in Linux (curses based)
Summary(pl):	CMatrix - pokazuje efekt spadaj±cych znaków znany z filmu "Matrix"
Name:		cmatrix
Version:	1.2a
Release:	5
License:	GPL v2
Group:		Applications/Terminal
# Source0-md5:	ebfb5733104a258173a9ccf2669968a1
Patch0:		%{name}-DESTDIR.patch
Patch1:		%{name}-setfont-consolechars-choice.patch
BuildRequires:	autoconf
BuildRequires:	automake
BuildRequires:	ncurses-devel >= 5.0
Requires(post,postun):	/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir
Requires:	kbd
BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)

What is CMatrix? :-)

CMatrix is a program I wrote one evening because I didn't want to have
to run Wind*ws to see the cool scrolling lines from 'The Matrix', my
fave movie. If you haven't seen this movie and you are a fan of
computers or sci-fi in general, go see this movie!!!

%description -l pl
What is CMatrix? :-)

CMatrix zosta³ napisany w jeden wieczór by¶ nie musia³ uruchamiaæ M$
Wind*ws, aby zobaczyæ na konsoli interesuj±c efekt spadaj±cych znaków
znany z filmu "Matrix". Je¿eli nie widzia³e¶ tego filmu, a jeste¶
fanem komputerów i sci-fi w ogólno¶ci - biegnij zobaczyæ ten film!!

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1

rm -f missing
CFLAGS="%{rpmcflags} -I%{_includedir}/ncurses"
%configure \

install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_datadir}/{consolefonts,fonts/misc},%{_bindir}} \

install cmatrix $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install cmatrix.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
install mtx.pcf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/fonts/misc
install matrix.psf.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/consolefonts

gzip -9nf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/fonts/misc/*


cd %{_datadir}/fonts/misc/;

cd %{_datadir}/fonts/misc/;

%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/*

%define date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>

$Log: cmatrix.spec,v $
Revision 1.30  2004/08/18 19:33:55  undefine
- release 5

Revision 1.29  2003/12/06 11:53:49  undefine
- release 4 to rebuild with ac

Revision 1.28  2003/08/06 16:47:45  kloczek
- mo¿e wrescie kto¶ wykasuje to konto ?

Revision 1.27  2003/05/26 16:24:48  malekith
- massive attack: adding Source-md5

Revision 1.26  2003/05/25 05:46:18  misi3k
- massive attack s/

Revision 1.25  2003/01/20 19:36:23  qboosh
- fixed Group (it's terminal program, not only console)

Revision 1.24  2002/10/02 07:35:10  kloczek
- more macros and use new %doc.

Revision 1.23  2002/10/01 06:10:37  trojan
- setting CFLAGS is back

Revision 1.22  2002/09/23 08:48:10  trojan
- fixed setfont-consolechars-choice patch
- removed setting CFLAGS
- release 3

Revision 1.21  2002/05/21 23:12:44  kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\%\{__automake\}/; \
             s/^automake -a -c -f/\%\{__automake\}/; \

Revision 1.20  2002/05/11 15:11:11  blues
- release 2
- added setfont-consolechars-choice.patch (new option used)
- kbd is now required

Revision 1.19  2002/04/25 16:05:53  arturs
fixed a small typo

Revision 1.18  2002/04/05 09:14:12  trojan
- updated to 1.2a

Revision 1.17  2002/03/24 23:28:14  kloczek
- perl -pi -e "s/^automake -a -c$/automake -a -c -f/"

Revision 1.16  2002/02/23 01:44:57  kloczek
- adapterized.

Revision 1.15  2002/02/22 23:28:45  kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
  Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.14  2002/01/18 02:12:34  kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\\"

Revision 1.13  2002/01/16 23:55:51  blues
- Release 5
- License modified
- Rebuild with required kbd, not console-tools (BTS #57)
- Improved translation
- rm -f missing added
- more docs

Revision 1.12  2001/10/04 14:39:59  qboosh
- BuildRequires: autoconf, automake

Revision 1.11  2001/07/20 20:37:07  migo
- added pl summary and/or description

Revision 1.10  2001/04/30 16:05:16  kloczek
- added using %%{rpmcflags} macro.

Revision 1.9  2001/02/06 13:41:21  kloczek
- make sepc %%{debug} ready.

Revision 1.8  2001/02/06 13:04:46  zagrodzki
- release 4
- don't use make install
- added matrix.psf.gz to %files
- fixed automake

Revision 1.7  2000/07/13 23:06:54  baggins
- release 3
- rebuild with ncurses 5.1

Revision 1.6  2000/07/13 20:38:24  baggins
- release 2

Revision 1.5  2000/06/09 07:54:39  kloczek
- more %%{__make} macros.

Revision 1.4  2000/06/09 07:22:48  kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.3  2000/05/18 17:11:04  kloczek
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.2  2000/04/10 03:31:44  kloczek
- updated to 1.1b.

Revision 1.1  2000/04/04 07:40:32  kloczek
- written from scratch.