

distrib > Mageia > 8 > armv7hl > by-pkgid > 9f9b6f968c7282e241f480ada8adfc66 > files > 3


From a59f3c4d2be19343f43c46241d0f4e30dd5563de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ingela Anderton Andin <>
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 09:44:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ssl: Correct cert path construction, solves CVE-2020-35733

The certificate path used as input to
public_key:pkix_path_validation/3 is basically the reverse
certificate chain sent by the peer, excluding the ROOT that may
or may not be sent by the peer. TLS-1.3 does however specify that
that chains could be unordered (as log as the peer certificate is
first) and chains can contain extraneous certificates. In
addition certificates can be missing, but if we own them so that we
can reconstruct the chain that should also be acceptable too and
also the user could choose to put their trust in an intermediate
certificate, that is shortening the chain that should be validated.

When completing the support for all of the above in commit
d24a220c3b867caef83026ba31d2656366da4322 a bug was introduced that
could be exploited to construct fake certificate chains that could
be validated. This commit fixes that. Also comments
and name enhancments are done to make the code easier to understand.
In doing so limit chain alternatives for avoiding using more memory
than necessary. A better solution will be added in later commit.
 lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl | 111 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
index c2637692917..7df773cc234 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
@@ -51,11 +51,15 @@
 -spec trusted_cert_and_paths([der_cert()], db_handle(), certdb_ref(), fun()) ->
-				   [{der_cert() | unknown_ca | selfsigned_peer, [der_cert()]}].
+				   [{der_cert() | unknown_ca | invalid_issuer | selfsigned_peer, [der_cert()]}].
-%% Description: Extracts the root cert (if not presents tries to 
-%% look it up, if not found {bad_cert, unknown_ca} will be added verification
-%% errors. Returns {RootCert | RootCertRelatedError, Path} Path = lists:reverse(Chain) -- Root
+%% Description: Construct input to public_key:pkix_path_validation/3,
+%% If the ROOT cert is not found {bad_cert, unknown_ca} will be returned
+%% instead of the ROOT cert to be handled as a path validation error
+%% by the verify_fun. 
+%% Returns {RootCert | RootCertRelatedError, Path} 
+%% Note: Path = lists:reverse(Chain) -- Root, that is on the peer cert 
+%% always comes first in the chain but last in the path.
 trusted_cert_and_paths([Peer] = Chain,  CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, PartialChainHandler) ->
     OtpCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Peer, otp),
@@ -67,6 +71,10 @@ trusted_cert_and_paths([Peer] = Chain,  CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, PartialChainHan
                                      CertDbHandle, CertDbRef)]
 trusted_cert_and_paths(Chain,  CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, PartialChainHandler) ->
+    %% Construct possible certificate paths from the chain certificates.
+    %% If the chain contains extraneous certificates there could be
+    %% more than one possible path such chains might be used to phase out 
+    %% an old certificate. 
     Paths = paths(Chain, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef),
     lists:map(fun(Path) ->
                       case handle_partial_chain(Path, PartialChainHandler, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) of
@@ -439,24 +447,23 @@ paths([Root], _, _, _, Path) ->
 paths([Cert1, Cert2 | Rest], Chain, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, Path) ->
     case public_key:pkix_is_issuer(Cert1, Cert2) of
         true ->
+            %% Chain orded so far
             paths([Cert2 | Rest], Chain, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, [Cert1 | Path]);
         false ->
+            %% Chain is unorded and/or contains extraneous certificates
             unorded_or_extraneous(Chain, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef)
 unorded_or_extraneous([Peer | FalseChain], CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
-   case extraneous_certs(FalseChain) of
-       [_] ->
-           [path_candidate(Peer, FalseChain, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef)];
-       ChainCandidates ->
-           lists:map(fun(Candidate) -> 
-                             path_candidate(Peer, Candidate, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef)
-                     end, 
-                     ChainCandidates)
-   end.
-path_candidate(Peer, CAs, CertDbHandle, _CertDbRef) ->
-    {ok,  ExtractedCerts} = ssl_pkix_db:extract_trusted_certs({der, CAs}),
+    ChainCandidates = extraneous_chains(FalseChain),
+    lists:map(fun(Candidate) -> 
+                      path_candidate(Peer, Candidate, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef)
+              end, 
+              ChainCandidates).
+path_candidate(Peer, ChainCandidateCAs, CertDbHandle, _CertDbRef) ->
+    {ok,  ExtractedCerts} = ssl_pkix_db:extract_trusted_certs({der, ChainCandidateCAs}),
+    %% certificate_chain/4 will make sure the chain is ordered 
     case certificate_chain(Peer, CertDbHandle, ExtractedCerts, []) of        
         {ok, undefined, Chain} ->
@@ -466,11 +473,13 @@ path_candidate(Peer, CAs, CertDbHandle, _CertDbRef) ->
 handle_partial_chain([IssuerCert| Rest] = Path, PartialChainHandler, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
     case public_key:pkix_is_self_signed(IssuerCert) of
-        true -> %% IssuerCert = ROOT
+        true -> %% IssuerCert = ROOT (That is ROOT was included in chain)
             {ok, {SerialNr, IssuerId}} = public_key:pkix_issuer_id(IssuerCert, self),
             case ssl_manager:lookup_trusted_cert(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, SerialNr, IssuerId) of
-                {ok, {IssuerCert, _}} ->
+                {ok, {IssuerCert, _}} -> %% Match sent ROOT to trusted ROOT 
                     maybe_shorten_path(Path, PartialChainHandler, {IssuerCert, Rest});
+                {ok, _} -> %% Did not match trusted ROOT
+                    maybe_shorten_path(Path, PartialChainHandler, {invalid_issuer, Path});
                 _ ->
                     maybe_shorten_path(Path, PartialChainHandler, {unknown_ca, Path})
@@ -481,8 +490,8 @@ handle_partial_chain([IssuerCert| Rest] = Path, PartialChainHandler, CertDbHandl
                     case ssl_manager:lookup_trusted_cert(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, SerialNr, IssuerId) of
                         {ok, {NewIssuerCert, _}} ->  
                             case public_key:pkix_is_self_signed(NewIssuerCert) of
-                                true -> %% IssuerCert = ROOT
-                                    maybe_shorten_path(Path, PartialChainHandler, {IssuerCert, Rest});
+                                true -> %% NewIssuerCert is a trusted ROOT cert
+                                    maybe_shorten_path([NewIssuerCert | Path], PartialChainHandler, {NewIssuerCert, Path});
                                 false ->
                                     maybe_shorten_path([NewIssuerCert | Path], PartialChainHandler, 
                                                        {unknown_ca, [NewIssuerCert | Path]})
@@ -496,6 +505,11 @@ handle_partial_chain([IssuerCert| Rest] = Path, PartialChainHandler, CertDbHandl
 maybe_shorten_path(Path, PartialChainHandler, Default) ->
+    %% This function might shorthen the
+    %% certificate path to be validated with
+    %% public_key:pkix_path_validation by letting
+    %% the user put its trust in an intermidate cert
+    %% from the certifcate chain sent by the peer.
     try PartialChainHandler(Path) of
         {trusted_ca, Root} ->
             new_trusteded_path(Root, Path, Default);
@@ -515,6 +529,8 @@ new_trusteded_path(_, [], Default) ->
 handle_incomplete_chain([PeerCert| _] = Chain0, PartialChainHandler, Default, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
+    %% We received an incomplete chain, that is not all certs expected to be present are present. 
+    %% See if we have the certificates to rebuild it. 
     case certificate_chain(PeerCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) of
         {ok, _, [PeerCert | _] = Chain} when Chain =/= Chain0 -> %% Chain candidate found          
             handle_partial_chain(lists:reverse(Chain), PartialChainHandler, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef);
@@ -522,38 +538,49 @@ handle_incomplete_chain([PeerCert| _] = Chain0, PartialChainHandler, Default, Ce
-extraneous_certs(Certs) ->
+extraneous_chains(Certs) ->
+    %% If some certs claim to be the same cert that is have the same
+    %% subject field we should create a list of possible chain certs
+    %% for each such cert. Only one chain, if any, should be
+    %% verifiable using available ROOT certs.
     Subjects = [{subject(Cert), Cert} || Cert <- Certs],
     SortedCerts = sort_by_subject(Subjects),
-    extraneous_certs(SortedCerts,[[]]).
+    Extra = extraneous_certs(SortedCerts, []),
+    extraneous_chains(Extra, Certs).
+extraneous_chains([{CA0, CA1}, {CA2, CA3} | _], Chain) ->
+    [Chain -- [CA0, CA2],  
+     Chain -- [CA0, CA3], 
+     Chain -- [CA1, CA2],
+     Chain -- [CA1, CA3]];
+extraneous_chains([{CA0, CA1} | _], Chain) ->
+    [Chain -- [CA0],  
+     Chain -- [CA1]];					
+extraneous_chains(_, Chain) ->
+    %% Let if fail too many extraneous cert
+    %% chain alternatives
+    [Chain].
+extraneous_certs([], Acc) ->
+    Acc;
 extraneous_certs([_], Acc) ->
 extraneous_certs([CA0, CA1 | Certs], Acc) ->
     {_, Name1} = public_key:pkix_subject_id(CA0),
     {_, Name2} = public_key:pkix_subject_id(CA1),
-    NormName1 = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(Name1),
-    NormName2 = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(Name2),
-    case NormName1 of
-        NormName2 ->            
-            extraneous_certs([CA1| Certs], path_alts(CA0, CA1, Certs, Acc)); 
+    case Name1 of
+        Name2 -> 
+            %% Found extraneous cert
+            extraneous_certs([CA1 | Certs], [{CA0, CA1} | Acc]);
         _ ->
-            extraneous_certs([CA1 | Certs], lists:map(fun(Candidate) -> [CA0 | Candidate] end, Acc))
+            extraneous_certs([CA1 | Certs], Acc)
-path_alts(CA1, CA2, CAs, []) ->
-    [[CA1 | CAs], [CA2 | CAs]];
-path_alts(CA1, CA2, CAs, [[]]) ->
-    [[CA1 | CAs], [CA2 | CAs]];
-path_alts(CA1, CA2, _, [Alt1, Alt2 |Path]) ->
-    path_alts(CA1, CA2, Alt1, Path) ++ path_alts(CA1, CA2, Alt2, Path).
 sort_by_subject(Subjects) ->
-    Sort = lists:keysort(1, Subjects),
-    lists:map(fun({_, Cert}) -> Cert end, Sort).
+     Sort = lists:keysort(1, Subjects),
+     lists:map(fun({_, Cert}) -> Cert end, Sort).
 subject(Cert) ->
-    OTPCert =public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
-    TBSCert = OTPCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate, 
-    Subject = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subject,
-    public_key:pkix_normalize_name(Subject).
+    {_, Name} = public_key:pkix_subject_id(Cert),
+    Name.