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<h1 id="python-markdown-24-release-notes">Python-Markdown 2.4 Release Notes<a class="headerlink" href="#python-markdown-24-release-notes" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h1>
<p>We are pleased to release Python-Markdown 2.4 which adds one new extension
and fixes various bugs. See the list of changes below for details.</p>
<p>Python-Markdown supports Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3.</p>
<h2 id="backwards-incompatible-changes">Backwards-incompatible Changes<a class="headerlink" href="#backwards-incompatible-changes" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
<p>The &ldquo;force_linenos&rdquo; config setting of the CodeHilite extension has been
marked as <strong>Deprecated</strong>. It had previously been marked as &ldquo;Pending Deprecation&rdquo;
in version 2.3 when a new setting &ldquo;linenums&rdquo; was added to replace it. See 
documentation for the <a href="extensions/code_hilite.html">CodeHilite Extension</a> for an explanation of the new 
&ldquo;linenums&rdquo; setting. The new setting will honor the old &ldquo;force_linenos&rdquo; if it 
is set, but &ldquo;force_linenos&rdquo; will raise a DeprecationWarning and will likely 
be removed in a future version of Python-Markdown.</p>
<p>URLs are no longer percent-encoded. This improves compatibility with the
original (written in Perl) Markdown implementation. Please percent-encode
your URLs manually when needed.</p>
<h2 id="whats-new-in-python-markdown-24">What&rsquo;s New in Python-Markdown 2.4<a class="headerlink" href="#whats-new-in-python-markdown-24" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Thanks to the hard work of <a href="">Dmitry Shachnev</a> the <a href="extensions/smarty.html">Smarty Extension</a> has been 
added, which implements <a href="">SmartyPants</a> using Python-Markdown&rsquo;s Extension API. 
This offers a few benefits over a third party sript. The HTML does not need
to be &ldquo;tokenized&rdquo; twice, no hacks are required to combine SmartyPants and
code highlighting, and we get markdown&rsquo;s escaping feature for free. Please try 
it out and report bugs and/or improvements.</p>
<p>The <a href="extensions/toc.html">Table of Contents Extension</a> now supports new <code>permalink</code> option
for creating <a href="">Sphinx</a>-style anchor links.</p>
<p>It is now possible to enable Markdown formatting inside HTML blocks by
appending <code>markdown=1</code> to opening tag attributes. See <a href="extensions/extra.html#nested-markdown-inside-html-blocks">Markdown Inside HTML
Blocks</a> section for details. Thanks to <a href="">ryneeverett</a> for implementing this
<p>The code blocks now support emphasizing some of the code lines. To use this
feature, specify <code>hl_lines</code> option after language name, for example (using
the <a href="extensions/fenced_code_blocks.html">Fenced Code Extension</a>):</p>
<pre><code>```.python hl_lines="1 3"
# This line will be emphasized.
# This one won't.
# This one will be also emphasized.
<p>Thanks to <a href="">A. Jesse Jiryu Davis</a> for implementing this feature.</p>
<p>Various bug fixes have been made.  See the
<a href="">commit log</a>
for a complete history of the changes.</p>
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    <h3>Table Of Contents</h3>
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<li><a href="#python-markdown-24-release-notes">Python-Markdown 2.4 Release Notes</a><ul>
<li><a href="#backwards-incompatible-changes">Backwards-incompatible Changes</a></li>
<li><a href="#whats-new-in-python-markdown-24">What&rsquo;s New in Python-Markdown 2.4</a></li>

    <h4>Previous topic</h4>
      <p class="topless"><a href="change_log.html"
         title="previous chapter">Change Log</a></p>
    <h4>Next topic</h4>
      <p class="topless"><a href="release-2.3.html"
         title="next chapter">Release Notes for v2.3</a></p>
    <h3>This Page</h3>
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      <li><a href=""
             >Report a Bug</a></li>
      <li><a href="release-2.4.txt"
             rel="nofollow">Show Source</a></li>
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