

distrib > Mageia > 5 > i586 > by-pkgid > 65f8aa69c4b85eb2463f24ce9ff49b95 > files > 317


\hypertarget{namespacecimg__library}{\section{cimg\+\_\+library Namespace Reference}

Contains {\itshape all classes and functions} of the {\ttfamily C\+Img} library.  

\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Contains {\itshape low-\/level} functions and variables of the {\ttfamily C\+Img} Library. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}
struct \hyperlink{structcimg__library_1_1CImg}{C\+Img}
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Class representing an image (up to 4 dimensions wide), each pixel being of type {\ttfamily T}. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
struct \hyperlink{structcimg__library_1_1CImgDisplay}{C\+Img\+Display}
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Allow to create windows, display images on them and manage user events (keyboard, mouse and windows events). \end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
struct \hyperlink{structcimg__library_1_1CImgException}{C\+Img\+Exception}
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Instances of {\ttfamily \hyperlink{structcimg__library_1_1CImgException}{C\+Img\+Exception}} are thrown when errors are encountered in a {\ttfamily C\+Img} function call. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
struct \hyperlink{structcimg__library_1_1CImgList}{C\+Img\+List}
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Represent a list of images C\+Img$<$\+T$>$. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}

\subsection{Detailed Description}
Contains {\itshape all classes and functions} of the {\ttfamily C\+Img} library. 

This namespace is defined to avoid functions and class names collisions that could happen with the inclusion of other C++ header files. Anyway, it should not happen often and you should reasonnably start most of your {\ttfamily C\+Img}-\/based programs with 
\textcolor{preprocessor}{#include "CImg.h"}
\textcolor{keyword}{using namespace }\hyperlink{namespacecimg__library}{cimg\_library};
 to simplify the declaration of {\ttfamily C\+Img} Library objects afterwards.