

distrib > Mageia > 3 > i586 > media > core-release-src > by-pkgid > 835430c16d5584e1f13688ba8e2e359d > files > 8


%global    _version 2.0.17
%global    _compat_version 1.1.0

Name:      lpg
Version:   %{_version}
Release:   %mkrel 3
Summary:   LALR Parser Generator
Group:     Development/Java
# although the text of the licence isn't distributed with some of the source,
# the author has exlicitly stated that everything is covered under the EPL
# see:
License:   EPL


# source archive for the java compat lib

# upstream does not provide a build script or manifest file for the java
# compat lib
Source4:   %{name}-build.xml
Source5:   %{name}

# TODO: drop Source3, 4, 5 and obsolete the java-compat package when dependent
# projects are ported to LPG 2.x.x

# executable name in the bootstrap make target is wrong; sent upstream, see:
Patch0:    %{name}-bootstrap-target.patch

# change build script to build the base jar with osgi bundle info
Patch1:    %{name}-osgi-jar.patch

The LALR Parser Generator (LPG) is a tool for developing scanners and parsers
written in Java, C++ or C. Input is specified by BNF rules. LPG supports
backtracking (to resolve ambiguity), automatic AST generation and grammar

%package       java
Summary:       Java runtime library for LPG
Group:         Development/Java

BuildArch:     noarch

BuildRequires: java-devel
BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
BuildRequires: ant-apache-regexp
Requires:      java
Requires:      jpackage-utils

%description   java
Java runtime library for parsers generated with the LALR Parser Generator

%package       java-compat
Version:       %{_compat_version}
Summary:       Compatibility Java runtime library for LPG 1.x
Group:         Development/Java

BuildArch:     noarch

BuildRequires: java-devel
BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
BuildRequires: ant
Requires:      java
Requires:      jpackage-utils

%description   java-compat
Compatibility Java runtime library for parsers generated with the LALR Parser
Generator (LPG) 1.x.

%setup -q -T -c -n %{name}-%{version}

# because you can't use setup to unzip to subdirectories when your source
# archives do not create top level directories
unzip -qq %{SOURCE0} -d lpg-java-runtime
unzip -qq %{SOURCE1} -d lpg-generator-cpp
unzip -qq %{SOURCE2} -d lpg-generator-templates
chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w .

# setup java compat stuff
%setup -q -D -T -a 3 -n %{name}-%{version}
cp -p %{SOURCE4} lpgdistribution/build.xml
cp -p %{SOURCE5} lpgdistribution/MANIFEST.MF

# apply patches
%patch0 -p0 -b .orig
%patch1 -p0 -b .orig

# build java stuff
(cd lpg-java-runtime && ant -f exportPlugin.xml)

# build java compat stuff
(cd lpgdistribution && ant)

# build native stuff
pushd lpg-generator-cpp/src

# ARCH just tells us what tools to use, so this can be the same on all arches
# we build twice in order to bootstrap the grammar parser
make clean install ARCH=linux_x86 \
  LOCAL_CFLAGS="%{optflags}" LOCAL_CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}"
make bootstrap ARCH=linux_x86
make clean install ARCH=linux_x86 \
  LOCAL_CFLAGS="%{optflags}" LOCAL_CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}"


rm -rf %{buildroot}

install -pD -T lpg-java-runtime/%{name}runtime.jar \
install -pD -T lpgdistribution/%{name}javaruntime.jar \
install -pD -T lpg-generator-cpp/bin/%{name}-linux_x86 \

# create unversioned symlinks to jars
(cd %{buildroot}%{_javadir} && for jar in *-%{_version}.jar; do ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{_version}||g"`; done)
(cd %{buildroot}%{_javadir} && for jar in *-%{_compat_version}.jar; do ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{_compat_version}||g"`; done)

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%doc lpg-generator-templates/docs/*

%files java
%doc "lpg-java-runtime/Eclipse\ Public\ License\ -\ Version\ 1_0.htm"

%files java-compat
%doc "lpg-java-runtime/Eclipse\ Public\ License\ -\ Version\ 1_0.htm"


* Sat Jan 12 2013 umeabot <umeabot> 2.0.17-3.mga3
+ Revision: 358982
- Mass Rebuild -

* Tue Dec 25 2012 pterjan <pterjan> 2.0.17-2.mga3
+ Revision: 335030
- Fix documentation files list for new rpm

* Thu Mar 17 2011 dmorgan <dmorgan> 2.0.17-1.mga1
+ Revision: 73137
- imported package lpg