

distrib > Mageia > 3 > i586 > media > core-release-src > by-pkgid > 5e27f573f920284c6960c5026d728cb6 > files > 2


%define upstream_name    CGI-SSI
%define upstream_version 0.92

Name:       perl-%{upstream_name}
Version:    %perl_convert_version %{upstream_version}
Release:    %mkrel 2

Summary:    Use SSI from CGI scripts
License:    GPL+ or Artistic
Group:      Development/Perl

BuildRequires: perl(Date::Format)
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
BuildRequires: perl(File::Spec)
BuildRequires: perl(HTML::SimpleParse)
BuildRequires: perl(HTTP::Cookies)
BuildRequires: perl(HTTP::Response)
BuildRequires: perl(LWP::UserAgent)
BuildRequires: perl(URI)
BuildArch: noarch

CGI::SSI is meant to be used as an easy way to filter shtml through CGI
scripts in a loose imitation of Apache's mod_include. If you're using
Apache, you may want to use either mod_include or the Apache::SSI module
instead of CGI::SSI. Limitations in a CGI script's knowledge of how the
server behaves make some SSI directives impossible to imitate from a CGI

Most of the time, you'll simply want to filter shtml through STDOUT or some
other open filehandle. 'autotie' is available for STDOUT, but in general,
you'll want to tie other filehandles yourself:

    $ssi = tie(*FH, 'CGI::SSI', filehandle => 'FH');
    print FH $shtml;

%setup -q -n %{upstream_name}-%{upstream_version}

%{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor


# one test is broken, don't run the test suite
#make test

rm -rf %buildroot

%doc Changes META.yml README


* Wed Mar 27 2013 guillomovitch <guillomovitch> 0.920.0-2.mga3
+ Revision: 405805
- don't run test suite, one test is broken

  + umeabot <umeabot>
    - Mass Rebuild -

* Tue Sep 20 2011 jquelin <jquelin> 0.920.0-1.mga2
+ Revision: 146078
- imported package perl-CGI-SSI

* Tue Sep 20 2011 cpan2dist 0.92-1mga
- initial mageia release, generated with cpan2dist