

distrib > Mageia > 3 > i586 > media > core-release-src > by-pkgid > 0411ccad07db2e954455d047e504f256 > files > 2


--- build.xml	2011-04-10 17:39:06.000000000 +0200
+++ build.xml-gil	2011-09-19 19:32:19.118923581 +0200
@@ -1,266 +1,277 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- ====================================================================== 
-     JetS3t    
-     Toolkit and application suite for Amazon's S3 online storage service.
-     James Murty                                                                
-     ====================================================================== -->
-<project name="JetS3t" default="help">
-    <description>
-    		JetS3t : Toolkit and application suite for Amazon's S3 online storage service
-    </description>
-	<property file=""/>
-	<target name="help">
-		<echo>
-Welcome to the JetS3t ANT build script.
-The build.xml script will allow you to rebuild the JetS3t suite 
-from the source code included with the distribution. It should 
-make it easier to make your own additions to the library, to 
-build your own versions of applications or applets, and to make
-JetS3t work the way you want.
-The first thing you may want to do is recompile JetS3t using 
-the latest version of Java. To do this, modify the debug and properties in the file and run 
-the "rebuild-all" target.
-rebuild-all : Rebuild the JetS3t Jar files for the library and
-              all applications.
-compile     : Compiles the JetS3t source code, but does not 
-              produce Jar files. This target is useful as a 
-              quick test to make sure any code changes you make
-              will compile correctly.
-clean       : Removes all the temporary compile/build artifacts
-help        : Displays this help message
-rebuild-service     : Rebuild the library/toolkit files
-rebuild-cockpit     : Rebuild the Cockpit application
-rebuild-synchronize : Rebuild the Synchronize application
-rebuild-gatekeeper  : Rebuild the Gatekeeper servlet WAR
-rebuild-uploader    : Rebuild the Uploader application
-rebuild-cockpitlite : Rebuild the CockpitLite application
-repackage-applets   : Repackages all the applet applications. 
-                      This replaces the contents of the applets
-                      directory with applets built from the 
-                      latest code, and signed with the keystore 
-                      configured in the file.
-repackage-applet-cockpit     : Repackage the Cockpit applet
-repackage-applet-cockpitlite : Repackage the CockpitLite applet
-repackage-applet-uploader    : Repackage the Uploader applet
-init              : Sets dynamic properties required by the 
-                    build script.
-unzip-source-code : Unzips the JetS3t source code from
-                    This target will be called automatically if 
-                    necessary.
-zip-source-code   : Zips the JetS3t source code to an archive file with a 
-			        version number: jets3t-src-${version}.zip
-	</target>
-	<!-- ================================= 
-         Define the script-wide classpath.
-         ================================= -->
-	<path id="classpath">
-		<fileset dir="${dir.libs}" includes="**/*.jar"/>
-	</path>
-    <target name="rebuild-all" 
-    	depends="rebuild-service,rebuild-cockpit,rebuild-cockpitlite,rebuild-synchronize,rebuild-uploader,rebuild-gatekeeper"/>
-	<target name="unzip-source-code" unless="src-unzipped">
-		<unzip dest="." src="" overwrite="false"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="zip-source-code">
-		<zip 
-			destfile="jets3t-src-${version}.zip"
-			basedir="."
-			includes="${dir.src}/**/*.java"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="init">
-		<available property="src-unzipped" file="${dir.src}"/>
-		<available property="keystore-exists" file="${keystore.file}"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="compile" depends="init,unzip-source-code">		
-		<mkdir dir="${}"/>
-		<javac 
-			srcdir="${dir.src}"
-			destdir="${}"
-			debug="${debug}"
-			source="1.4"
-			target="${}">
-			<classpath refid="classpath"/>
-			<exclude name="contribs/mx/**" unless="contribs.include-mx"/>
-		</javac>
-	</target>
-	<target name="rebuild-service" depends="compile">
-		<jar
-			basedir="${}"			
-			file="jars/${dist.file.service}"
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- ====================================================================== 
+     JetS3t    
+     Toolkit and application suite for Amazon's S3 online storage service.
+     James Murty                                                                
+     ====================================================================== -->
+<project name="JetS3t" default="help">
+    <description>
+    		JetS3t : Toolkit and application suite for Amazon's S3 online storage service
+    </description>
+	<property file=""/>
+	<target name="help">
+		<echo>
+Welcome to the JetS3t ANT build script.
+The build.xml script will allow you to rebuild the JetS3t suite 
+from the source code included with the distribution. It should 
+make it easier to make your own additions to the library, to 
+build your own versions of applications or applets, and to make
+JetS3t work the way you want.
+The first thing you may want to do is recompile JetS3t using 
+the latest version of Java. To do this, modify the debug and properties in the file and run 
+the "rebuild-all" target.
+rebuild-all : Rebuild the JetS3t Jar files for the library and
+              all applications.
+compile     : Compiles the JetS3t source code, but does not 
+              produce Jar files. This target is useful as a 
+              quick test to make sure any code changes you make
+              will compile correctly.
+clean       : Removes all the temporary compile/build artifacts
+help        : Displays this help message
+rebuild-service     : Rebuild the library/toolkit files
+rebuild-cockpit     : Rebuild the Cockpit application
+rebuild-synchronize : Rebuild the Synchronize application
+rebuild-gatekeeper  : Rebuild the Gatekeeper servlet WAR
+rebuild-uploader    : Rebuild the Uploader application
+rebuild-cockpitlite : Rebuild the CockpitLite application
+repackage-applets   : Repackages all the applet applications. 
+                      This replaces the contents of the applets
+                      directory with applets built from the 
+                      latest code, and signed with the keystore 
+                      configured in the file.
+repackage-applet-cockpit     : Repackage the Cockpit applet
+repackage-applet-cockpitlite : Repackage the CockpitLite applet
+repackage-applet-uploader    : Repackage the Uploader applet
+init              : Sets dynamic properties required by the 
+                    build script.
+unzip-source-code : Unzips the JetS3t source code from
+                    This target will be called automatically if 
+                    necessary.
+zip-source-code   : Zips the JetS3t source code to an archive file with a 
+			        version number: jets3t-src-${version}.zip
+	</target>
+	<!-- ================================= 
+         Define the script-wide classpath.
+         ================================= -->
+	<path id="classpath">
+		<fileset dir="/usr/share/java">
+			<include name="commons-codec.jar"/>
+			<include name="commons-httpclient.jar"/>
+			<include name="commons-logging.jar"/>
+			<include name="java-xmlbuilder.jar"/>
+			<include name="junit.jar"/>
+			<include name="tomcat6-servlet-api.jar"/>
+			<include name="axis/axis.jar"/>
+			<include name="axis/jaxrpc.jar"/>
+			<include name="geronimo-jaxrpc-1.1-api.jar"/>
+			<include name="log4j.jar"/>
+		</fileset>
+	</path>
+    <target name="rebuild-all" 
+    	depends="rebuild-service,rebuild-cockpit,rebuild-cockpitlite,rebuild-synchronize,rebuild-uploader,rebuild-gatekeeper"/>
+	<target name="unzip-source-code" unless="src-unzipped">
+		<unzip dest="." src="" overwrite="false"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="zip-source-code">
+		<zip 
+			destfile="jets3t-src-${version}.zip"
+			basedir="."
+			includes="${dir.src}/**/*.java"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="init">
+		<available property="src-unzipped" file="${dir.src}"/>
+		<available property="keystore-exists" file="${keystore.file}"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="compile" depends="init,unzip-source-code">		
+		<mkdir dir="${}"/>
+		<javac 
+			srcdir="${dir.src}"
+			destdir="${}"
+			debug="${debug}"
+			source="${build.source}"
+			target="${}">
+			<classpath refid="classpath"/>
+			<exclude name="contribs/mx/**" unless="contribs.include-mx"/>
+		</javac>
+	</target>
+	<target name="rebuild-service" depends="compile">
+		<jar
+			basedir="${}"			
+			file="jars/${dist.file.service}"
-			>
-			<include name="org/jets3t/service/**"/>
-			<include name="org/apache/commons/httpclient/contrib/**"/>
-			<include name="contribs/mx/**" if="contribs.include-mx"/>
-		</jar>
-        <jar
-            basedir="${}"
-            file="jars/${dist.file.guisupport}"
-            index="true"
-            >
-            <include name="org/jets3t/gui/**"/>
-            <include name="org/jets3t/gui/skins/**"/>
-        </jar>
-	</target>
+			>
+			<include name="org/jets3t/service/**"/>
+			<include name="org/apache/commons/httpclient/contrib/**"/>
+			<include name="contribs/mx/**" if="contribs.include-mx"/>
+		</jar>
+        <jar
+            basedir="${}"
+            file="jars/${dist.file.guisupport}"
+            index="true"
+            >
+            <include name="org/jets3t/gui/**"/>
+            <include name="org/jets3t/gui/skins/**"/>
+        </jar>
+	</target>
     <target name="rebuild-cockpit" depends="rebuild-service">
-		<jar
-			basedir="${}"			
-			file="jars/${dist.file.cockpit}"
+		<jar
+			basedir="${}"			
+			file="jars/${dist.file.cockpit}"
-			>
-			<include name="org/jets3t/apps/cockpit/**"/>
+			>
+			<include name="org/jets3t/apps/cockpit/**"/>
                 <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.jets3t.apps.cockpit.Cockpit"/>
-		</jar>
-	</target>
-    <target name="rebuild-cockpitlite" depends="rebuild-service">
-        <jar
-            basedir="${}"
-            file="jars/${dist.file.cockpitlite}"
-            index="true"
-            >
-            <include name="org/jets3t/apps/cockpitlite/**"/>
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.jets3t.apps.cockpitlite.CockpitLite"/>
-            </manifest>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
+		</jar>
+	</target>
+    <target name="rebuild-cockpitlite" depends="rebuild-service">
+        <jar
+            basedir="${}"
+            file="jars/${dist.file.cockpitlite}"
+            index="true"
+            >
+            <include name="org/jets3t/apps/cockpitlite/**"/>
+            <manifest>
+                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.jets3t.apps.cockpitlite.CockpitLite"/>
+            </manifest>
+        </jar>
+    </target>
     <target name="rebuild-synchronize" depends="rebuild-service">
-		<jar
-			basedir="${}"			
-			file="jars/${dist.file.synchronize}"
+		<jar
+			basedir="${}"			
+			file="jars/${dist.file.synchronize}"
-			>
-			<include name="org/jets3t/apps/synchronize/**"/>
+			>
+			<include name="org/jets3t/apps/synchronize/**"/>
                 <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.jets3t.apps.synchronize.Synchronize"/>
-		</jar>
-	</target>
+		</jar>
+	</target>
     <target name="rebuild-uploader" depends="rebuild-service">
-		<jar
-			basedir="${}"			
-			file="jars/${dist.file.uploader}"
+		<jar
+			basedir="${}"			
+			file="jars/${dist.file.uploader}"
-			>
-			<include name="org/jets3t/apps/uploader/**"/>
+			>
+			<include name="org/jets3t/apps/uploader/**"/>
                 <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.jets3t.apps.uploader.Uploader"/>
-		</jar>
-	</target>
-	<target name="rebuild-gatekeeper" depends="rebuild-service">
-		<war 
-			destfile="servlets/gatekeeper/${dist.file.gatekeeper}"
-			webxml="${dir.servlets}/gatekeeper-web.xml"
-			>
-			<lib dir="jars" includes="${dist.file.service}"/>
-			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/commons-httpclient" includes="*.jar"/>
-			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/commons-logging" includes="*.jar"/>
-			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/commons-codec" includes="*.jar"/>
-			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/logging-log4j" includes="*.jar"/>
-			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/safehaus_jug" includes="*.jar"/>
-			<classes dir="${dir.configs}">
+		</jar>
+	</target>
+	<target name="rebuild-gatekeeper" depends="rebuild-service">
+		<war 
+			destfile="servlets/gatekeeper/${dist.file.gatekeeper}"
+			webxml="${dir.servlets}/gatekeeper-web.xml"
+			>
+			<lib dir="jars" includes="${dist.file.service}"/>
+			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/commons-httpclient" includes="*.jar"/>
+			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/commons-logging" includes="*.jar"/>
+			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/commons-codec" includes="*.jar"/>
+			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/logging-log4j" includes="*.jar"/>
+			<lib dir="${dir.libs}/safehaus_jug" includes="*.jar"/>
+			<classes dir="${dir.configs}">
                 <include name=""/>
                 <include name=""/>
-                <include name=""/>
-			</classes>			
-			<classes dir="${}">
-				<include name="org/jets3t/servlets/gatekeeper/**"/>
-			</classes>
-		</war>
-	</target>
-	<target name="create-keystore" unless="keystore-exists">
-		<echo>
-Keystore file ${keystore.file} does not exist. The build script will now create
-a generic keystore on your behalf for development and testing purposes. If you
-intend to make the applets publicly available, please create a keystore with
-proper information and modify the keystore settings in
-to refer to this official keystore.
-		</echo>
-		<genkey
-			alias="${keystore.alias}"
-			storepass="${keystore.storepass}"
-			keystore="${keystore.file}"
-			keypass="${keystore.keypass}"
-			dname="CN=Unknown Developer, OU=, O=, C="
-			validity="30"
-			verbose="true">			
-		</genkey>
-	</target>
+                <include name=""/>
+			</classes>			
+			<classes dir="${}">
+				<include name="org/jets3t/servlets/gatekeeper/**"/>
+			</classes>
+		</war>
+	</target>
+	<target name="create-keystore" unless="keystore-exists">
+		<echo>
+Keystore file ${keystore.file} does not exist. The build script will now create
+a generic keystore on your behalf for development and testing purposes. If you
+intend to make the applets publicly available, please create a keystore with
+proper information and modify the keystore settings in
+to refer to this official keystore.
+		</echo>
+		<genkey
+			alias="${keystore.alias}"
+			storepass="${keystore.storepass}"
+			keystore="${keystore.file}"
+			keypass="${keystore.keypass}"
+			dname="CN=Unknown Developer, OU=, O=, C="
+			validity="30"
+			verbose="true">			
+		</genkey>
+	</target>
     <target name="repackage-applets" depends="repackage-applet-cockpit,repackage-applet-cockpitlite,repackage-applet-uploader">
-	</target>
-    <target name="sign-jars" depends="init,rebuild-all,create-keystore">
-		<mkdir dir="${dir.applets}"/>
+	</target>
+    <target name="sign-jars" depends="init,rebuild-all,create-keystore">
+		<mkdir dir="${dir.applets}"/>
         <!-- Copy jars required by all applets -->
-		<copy 			
-			todir="${dir.applets}"
-			flatten="true"
-			>
-			<fileset dir="jars">
-				<include name="**/${dist.file.service}"/>
-				<include name="**/${dist.file.guisupport}"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-		<copy 			
-			todir="${dir.applets}"
-			flatten="true"
-			>
-			<fileset dir="${dir.libs}">
-				<include name="**/commons-logging/*.jar"/>
-				<include name="**/commons-codec/*.jar"/>
-				<include name="**/commons-httpclient/*.jar"/>
-				<include name="**/bouncycastle/*.jar"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-		<!-- Sign jars -->		
-		<signjar 
-			alias="${keystore.alias}"
-			keystore="${keystore.file}"
-			storepass="${keystore.storepass}"
-            keypass="${keystore.keypass}"
+		<copy 			
+			todir="${dir.applets}"
+			flatten="true"
+			>
+			<fileset dir="jars">
+				<include name="**/${dist.file.service}"/>
+				<include name="**/${dist.file.guisupport}"/>
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<copy 			
+			todir="${dir.applets}"
+			flatten="true"
+			>
+			<!--fileset dir="${dir.libs}">
+				<include name="**/commons-logging/*.jar"/>
+				<include name="**/commons-codec/*.jar"/>
+				<include name="**/commons-httpclient/*.jar"/>
+				<include name="**/bouncycastle/*.jar"/>
+			</fileset-->
+		</copy>
+		<!-- Sign jars -->		
+		<signjar 
+			alias="${keystore.alias}"
+			keystore="${keystore.file}"
+			storepass="${keystore.storepass}"
+            keypass="${keystore.keypass}"
             <fileset dir="${dir.applets}" includes="*.jar"/>
-		</signjar>
+		</signjar>
     <target name="repackage-applet-cockpit" depends="sign-jars">
         <!-- Copy jars required by Cockpit applet -->
@@ -273,33 +284,33 @@
-		<!-- Copy relevant configuration files -->
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
-			<fileset dir="${dir.configs}">
-				<include name=""/>
-				<include name="mime.types"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
-			<fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
-				<include name=""/>
-				<include name=""/>
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-		<!-- Copy applet running HTML files -->
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+		<!-- Copy relevant configuration files -->
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+			<fileset dir="${dir.configs}">
+				<include name=""/>
+				<include name="mime.types"/>
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+			<fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
+				<include name=""/>
+				<include name=""/>
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<!-- Copy applet running HTML files -->
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
             <fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
                 <exclude name="*cockpit*lite*"/>
                 <include name="*cockpit*"/>
-		</copy>
-		<!-- Copy resources -->
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
-			<fileset dir="${dir.resources}" includes="**"/>
-		</copy>
+		</copy>
+		<!-- Copy resources -->
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+			<fileset dir="${dir.resources}" includes="**"/>
+		</copy>
         <!-- Sign jars -->
@@ -312,20 +323,20 @@
                 <include name="${dist.file.cockpit}"/>
-	</target>
+	</target>
     <target name="repackage-applet-cockpitlite" depends="sign-jars">
         <!-- Copy jars required by CockpitLite applet -->
-		<copy 			
-			todir="${dir.applets}"
-			flatten="true"
-			>
-			<fileset dir="jars">
+		<copy 			
+			todir="${dir.applets}"
+			flatten="true"
+			>
+			<fileset dir="jars">
                 <include name="**/${dist.file.cockpitlite}"/>
-                <include name="**/${dist.file.guisupport}"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
+                <include name="**/${dist.file.guisupport}"/>
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
         <!-- Copy relevant configuration files -->
         <copy todir="${dir.applets}">
@@ -333,41 +344,41 @@
                 <include name=""/>
                 <include name="mime.types"/>
                 <include name=""/>
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
         <copy todir="${dir.applets}">
             <fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
                 <include name=""/>
                 <include name=""/>
         <!-- Copy applet running HTML files -->
         <copy todir="${dir.applets}">
             <fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
                 <include name="*cockpit*lite*"/>
-        </copy>
-		<!-- Copy resources -->
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
-			<fileset dir="${dir.resources}" includes="**"/>
+        </copy>
+		<!-- Copy resources -->
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+			<fileset dir="${dir.resources}" includes="**"/>
-		<!-- Sign jars -->		
-		<signjar 
-			alias="${keystore.alias}"
-			keystore="${keystore.file}"
-			storepass="${keystore.storepass}"
-            keypass="${keystore.keypass}"
+		<!-- Sign jars -->		
+		<signjar 
+			alias="${keystore.alias}"
+			keystore="${keystore.file}"
+			storepass="${keystore.storepass}"
+            keypass="${keystore.keypass}"
             <fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
                 <include name="${dist.file.cockpitlite}"/>
-		</signjar>
+		</signjar>
     <target name="repackage-applet-uploader" depends="sign-jars">
         <!-- Copy jars required by Uploader applet -->
@@ -380,34 +391,34 @@
-		<!-- Copy relevant configuration files -->
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
-			<fileset dir="${dir.configs}">
-				<include name=""/>
-				<include name="mime.types"/>
+		<!-- Copy relevant configuration files -->
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+			<fileset dir="${dir.configs}">
+				<include name=""/>
+				<include name="mime.types"/>
                 <include name=""/>
-                <include name=""/>
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
-			<fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
-				<include name=""/>
-				<include name=""/>
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-		<!-- Copy applet running HTML files -->
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+                <include name=""/>
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+			<fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
+				<include name=""/>
+				<include name=""/>
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<!-- Copy applet running HTML files -->
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
             <fileset dir="${dir.applets}">
                 <include name="*uploader*"/>
-		</copy>
-		<!-- Copy resources -->
-		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
-			<fileset dir="${dir.resources}" includes="**"/>
-		</copy>
+		</copy>
+		<!-- Copy resources -->
+		<copy todir="${dir.applets}">
+			<fileset dir="${dir.resources}" includes="**"/>
+		</copy>
         <!-- Sign jars -->
@@ -420,12 +431,30 @@
                 <include name="${dist.file.uploader}"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="clean">
-		<delete dir="${}"/>
-	</target>
+	</target>
+	<target name="clean">
+		<delete dir="${}"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="javadoc" depends="compile">
+		<mkdir dir="${}/api"/>
+		<javadoc
+			destdir="${}/api"
+			classpathref="classpath"
+			access="public"
+			defaultexcludes="yes"
+			windowtitle="JetS3t API : Amazon S3 Toolkit">
+			<packageset dir="${dir.src}">
+				<include name="**"/>
+				<exclude name="com/**"/>
+				<exclude name="net/**"/>
+			</packageset>
+			<link href="/usr/share/javadoc/java/"
+				packagelistLoc="/usr/share/javadoc/java/package-list"/>
+		</javadoc>
+	</target>