

distrib > Mageia > 1 > i586 > media > core-updates-src > by-pkgid > dcae48bf587149745173ebfe1f4279da > files > 4


%define revision 145807
%define crname chromium-browser
%define _crdir %{_libdir}/%{crname}
%define _src %{_topdir}/SOURCES
%define basever 20.0.1132.43
%define patchver() ([ -f %{_src}/patch-%1-%2.diff.xz ] || exit 1; xz -dc %{_src}/patch-%1-%2.diff.xz|patch -p1);

%define subrel 1

Name: chromium-browser-stable
Version: 20.0.1132.57
Release: %mkrel 2
Summary: A fast webkit-based web browser
Group: Networking/WWW
License: BSD, LGPL
Source0: chromium-%{basever}.tar.xz
Source1: chromium-wrapper
Source2: chromium-browser.desktop
Patch0: chromium-19.0.1077.3-remove-inline.patch
Patch1: chromium-20.0.1132.43-svnversion.patch
# Fix build see:
Patch2: patch-20.0.1132.47-20.0.1132.57-fix-build.patch
Source1000: patch-20.0.1132.43-20.0.1132.47.diff.xz
Source1001: patch-20.0.1132.47-20.0.1132.57.diff.xz
#Source1001: binary-19.0.1077.3-19.0.1081.2.tar.xz
Provides: %{crname}
Conflicts: chromium-browser-unstable
Conflicts: chromium-browser-beta
Obsoletes: chromium-browser < 1:9.0.597.94
Obsoletes: chromium-browser-unstable < 17.0.963.27
Obsoletes: chromium-browser-beta < 17.0.963.34
BuildRequires: bison, flex, gtk2-devel, atk-devel, libexpat-devel, gperf
BuildRequires: nspr-devel, nss-devel, libalsa-devel
BuildRequires: glib2-devel, bzip2-devel, zlib-devel, png-devel
BuildRequires: jpeg-devel, mesagl-devel, mesaglu-devel
BuildRequires: libxscrnsaver-devel, dbus-glib-devel, cups-devel
BuildRequires: libgnome-keyring-devel libvpx-devel libxtst-devel
BuildRequires: libxslt-devel libxml2-devel libxt-devel pam-devel
BuildRequires: libevent-devel libflac-devel pulseaudio-devel
BuildRequires: elfutils-devel udev-devel speex-devel yasm libgnutls-devel

Chromium is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated
technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

This is the stable channel Chromium browser. It offers a rock solid
browser which is updated with features and fixes once they have been
thoroughly tested. If you want the latest features, install the
chromium-browser-unstable package instead.

Note: If you are reverting from unstable to stable or beta channel, you may
experience tab crashes on startup. This crash only affects tabs restored
during the first launch due to a change in how tab state is stored.
See It's always a good idea to back up
your profile before changing channels.

%package -n chromium-browser
Summary: A fast webkit-based web browser (transition package)
Epoch: 1
Group: Networking/WWW
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n chromium-browser
Chromium is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated
technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

This is a transition package that installs the stable channel Chromium
browser. If you prefer the dev channel browser, install the
chromium-browser-unstable package instead.

%setup -q -n chromium-%{basever}
%patch0 -p1 -b .remove-inline
%patch1 -p1 -b .svnversion
%patch2 -p0

%patchver 20.0.1132.43 20.0.1132.47
%patchver 20.0.1132.47 20.0.1132.57
#tar xvf %{_src}/binary-19.0.1077.3-19.0.1081.2.tar.xz
#sh -x %{_src}/

echo "%{revision}" > build/

# Hard code extra version
sed -i.orig -e 's/getenv("CHROME_VERSION_EXTRA")/"%{product_vendor} %{product_version}"/' $FILE
cmp $FILE $FILE.orig && exit 1

export GYP_GENERATORS=make
build/gyp_chromium --depth=. \
	-D linux_sandbox_path=%{_crdir}/chrome-sandbox \
	-D linux_sandbox_chrome_path=%{_crdir}/chrome \
	-D linux_link_gnome_keyring=0 \
	-D use_gconf=0 \
	-D werror='' \
	-D use_system_sqlite=0 \
	-D use_system_libxml=1 \
	-D use_system_zlib=1 \
	-D use_system_bzip2=1 \
	-D use_system_xdg_utils=1 \
	-D use_system_yasm=1 \
	-D use_system_libpng=1 \
	-D use_system_libjpeg=1 \
	-D use_system_libevent=1 \
	-D use_system_speex=1 \
	-D use_system_flac=1 \
	-D use_system_vpx=0 \
	-D use_system_icu=0 \
%ifarch i586
	-D disable_sse2=1 \
	-D release_extra_cflags="-march=i586"
%ifarch %arm
	-D target_arch=arm \
	-D disable_nacl=1 \
	-D linux_use_tcmalloc=0 \
	-D armv7=1 \
	-D release_extra_cflags="-marm"

# Note: DON'T use system sqlite (3.7.3) -- it breaks history search

%make chrome chrome_sandbox BUILDTYPE=Release

rm -rf %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/locales
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/themes
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/default_apps
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
install -m 755 %{_src}/chromium-wrapper %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 755 out/Release/chrome %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 4755 out/Release/chrome_sandbox %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/chrome-sandbox
install -m 644 out/Release/chrome.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/%{crname}.1
install -m 644 out/Release/chrome.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 755 out/Release/ %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 755 out/Release/ %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 755 out/Release/nacl_helper_bootstrap %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 755 out/Release/nacl_helper %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 644 out/Release/nacl_irt_*.nexe %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 644 out/Release/content_resources.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 644 out/Release/theme_resources_standard.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 644 out/Release/ui_resources_standard.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 644 out/Release/locales/*.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/locales/
install -m 644 out/Release/resources.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
install -m 644 chrome/browser/resources/default_apps/* %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/default_apps/
ln -s %{_crdir}/chromium-wrapper %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{crname}

find out/Release/resources/ -name "*.d" -exec rm {} \;
cp -r out/Release/resources %{buildroot}%{_crdir}

# Strip NaCl IRT
%ifarch x86_64
./native_client/toolchain/linux_x86_newlib/bin/x86_64-nacl-strip %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe
%ifarch i586
./native_client/toolchain/linux_x86_newlib/bin/i686-nacl-strip %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/nacl_irt_x86_32.nexe

# desktop file
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications
install -m 644 %{_src}/%{crname}.desktop %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/

# icon
for i in 16 22 24 26 32 48 64 128 256; do
	mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps
	install -m 644 chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_$i.png \

%files -n chromium-browser



* Fri Jul 13 2012 dmorgan <dmorgan> 20.0.1132.57-2.1.mga1
+ Revision: 270499
- new upstream release 20.0.1132.57 (145807)
  * [129898] High CVE-2012-2842: Use-after-free in counter handling
  * [130595] High CVE-2012-2843: Use-after-free in layout height tracking
  * [133450] High CVE-2012-2844: Bad object access with JavaScript in PDF
- Fix copying of missing .pak files
- New version 20.0.1132.43
- Disable system flac ( fixes build )
- new upstream release 18.0.1025.168
  * [109574] Medium CVE-2011-3058: Bad interaction possibly leading to XSS
    in EUC-JP
  * [112317] Medium CVE-2011-3059: Out-of-bounds read in SVG text handling
  * [114056] Medium CVE-2011-3060: Out-of-bounds read in text fragment handling
  * [116398] Medium CVE-2011-3061: SPDY proxy certificate checking error
  * [116524] High CVE-2011-3062: Off-by-one in OpenType Sanitizer
  * [117417] Low CVE-2011-3063: Validate navigation requests from the renderer
    more carefully
  * [117471] High CVE-2011-3064: Use-after-free in SVG clipping
  * [117588] High CVE-2011-3065: Memory corruption in Skia
  * [117794] Medium CVE-2011-3057: Invalid read in v8
  * fix black screen on Hybrid Graphics system with GPU accelerated
    compositing enabled (Issue: 117371)
  * fix CSS not applied to <content> element (Issue: 114667)
  * fix Regression rendering a div with background gradient and borders
    (Issue: 113726)
  * fix Canvas 2D line drawing bug with GPU acceleration (Issue: 121285)
  * fix Multiple crashes (Issues: 72235, 116825 and 92998)
  * fix Pop-up dialog is at wrong position (Issue: 116045)
  * fix HTML Canvas patterns are broken if you change the transformation
    matrix (Issue: 112165)
  * fix SSL interstitial error "proceed anyway" / "back to safety" buttons
    don't work (Issue: 119252)
  * [106577] Medium CVE-2011-3066: Out-of-bounds read in Skia clipping
  * [117583] Medium CVE-2011-3067: Cross-origin iframe replacement
  * [117698] High CVE-2011-3068: Use-after-free in run-in handling
  * [117728] High CVE-2011-3069: Use-after-free in line box handling
  * [118185] High CVE-2011-3070: Use-after-free in v8 bindings
  * [118273] High CVE-2011-3071: Use-after-free in HTMLMediaElement
  * [118467] Low CVE-2011-3072: Cross-origin violation parenting pop-up window
  * [118593] High CVE-2011-3073: Use-after-free in SVG resource handling
  * [119281] Medium CVE-2011-3074: Use-after-free in media handling
  * [119525] High CVE-2011-3075: Use-after-free applying style command
  * [120037] High CVE-2011-3076: Use-after-free in focus handling
  * [120189] Medium CVE-2011-3077: Read-after-free in script bindings
  * [106413] High CVE-2011-3078: Use after free in floats handling
  * [117110] High CVE-2012-1521: Use after free in xml parser
  * [117627] Medium CVE-2011-3079: IPC validation failure
  * [121726] Medium CVE-2011-3080: Race condition in sandbox IPC
  * [121899] High CVE-2011-3081: Use after free in floats handling
- new upstream release 16.0.912.63 (113337)
- security fixes
 * [81753] Medium CVE-2011-3903: Out-of-bounds read in regex matching.
 * [95465] Low CVE-2011-3905: Out-of-bounds reads in libxml.
 * [98809] Medium CVE-2011-3906: Out-of-bounds read in PDF parser.
 * [99016] High CVE-2011-3907: URL bar spoofing with view-source.
 * [100863] Low CVE-2011-3908: Out-of-bounds read in SVG parsing.
 * [101010] Medium CVE-2011-3909: [64-bit only] Memory corruption in CSS
   property array.
 * [101494] Medium CVE-2011-3910: Out-of-bounds read in YUV video frame
 * [101779] Medium CVE-2011-3911: Out-of-bounds read in PDF.
 * [102359] High CVE-2011-3912: Use-after-free in SVG filters.
 * [103921] High CVE-2011-3913: Use-after-free in Range handling.
 * [104011] High CVE-2011-3914: Out-of-bounds write in v8 i18n handling.
 * [104529] High CVE-2011-3915: Buffer overflow in PDF font handling.
 * [104959] Medium CVE-2011-3916: Out-of-bounds reads in PDF cross references.
 * [105162] Medium CVE-2011-3917: Stack-buffer-overflow in FileWatcher.
 * [107258] High CVE-2011-3904: Use-after-free in bidi handling.
- New version 15.0.874.120
- new upstream release 15.0.874.102 (106587)
 * [86758] High CVE-2011-2845: URL bar spoof in history handling.
 * [88949] Medium CVE-2011-3875: URL bar spoof with drag+drop of URLs.
 * [90217] Low CVE-2011-3876: Avoid stripping whitespace at the end of
   download filenames.
 * [91218] Low CVE-2011-3877: XSS in appcache internals page.
 * [94487] Medium CVE-2011-3878: Race condition in worker process
 * [95374] Low CVE-2011-3879: Avoid redirect to chrome scheme URIs.
 * [95992] Low CVE-2011-3880: Don't permit as a HTTP header delimiter.
 * [96047][96885][98053][99512][99750] High CVE-2011-3881: Cross-origin
   policy violations.
 * [96292] High CVE-2011-3882: Use-after-free in media buffer handling.
 * [96902] High CVE-2011-3883: Use-after-free in counter handling.
 * [97148] High CVE-2011-3884: Timing issues in DOM traversal.
 * [97599][98064][98556][99294][99880][100059] High CVE-2011-3885: Stale
   style bugs leading to use-after-free.
 * [98773][99167] High CVE-2011-3886: Out of bounds writes in v8.
 * [98407] Medium CVE-2011-3887: Cookie theft with javascript URIs.
 * [99138] High CVE-2011-3888: Use-after-free with plug-in and editing.
 * [99211] High CVE-2011-3889: Heap overflow in Web Audio.
 * [99553] High CVE-2011-3890: Use-after-free in video source handling.
 * [100332] High CVE-2011-3891: Exposure of internal v8 functions.
- Obsolete beta and unstable versions
- Fix buildrequires
- Use %%subrel
- new upstream release 14.0.835.163 (101024)
- security fixes:
 * [49377] High CVE-2011-2835: Race condition in the certificate cache
 * [57908] Low CVE-2011-2837: Use PIC / pie compiler flags
 * [75070] Low CVE-2011-2838: Treat MIME type more authoritatively when
   loading plug-ins
 * [76771] High CVE-2011-2839: Crash in v8 script object wrappers
 * [78427] [83031] Low CVE-2011-2840: Possible URL bar spoofs with unusual
   user interaction
 * [78639] High CVE-2011-2841: Garbage collection error in PDF
 * [82438] Medium CVE-2011-2843: Out-of-bounds read with media buffers
 * [85041] Medium CVE-2011-2844: Out-of-bounds read with mp3 files
 * [$1000] [89219] High CVE-2011-2846: Use-after-free in unload event handling
 * [$1000] [89330] High CVE-2011-2847: Use-after-free in document loader
 * [89564] Medium CVE-2011-2848: URL bar spoof with forward button
 * [89795] Low CVE-2011-2849: Browser NULL pointer crash with WebSockets
 * [89991] Medium CVE-2011-3234: Out-of-bounds read in box handling
 * [90134] Medium CVE-2011-2850: Out-of-bounds read with Khmer characters
 * [90173] Medium CVE-2011-2851: Out-of-bounds read in video handling
 * [91120] High CVE-2011-2852: Off-by-one in v8
 * [91197] High CVE-2011-2853: Use-after-free in plug-in handling
 * [92651] [94800] High CVE-2011-2854: Use-after-free in ruby / table style
 * [92959] High CVE-2011-2855: Stale node in stylesheet handling
 * [93416] High CVE-2011-2856: Cross-origin bypass in v8
 * [93420] High CVE-2011-2857: Use-after-free in focus controller
 * [93472] High CVE-2011-2834: Double free in libxml XPath handling
 * [93497] Medium CVE-2011-2859: Incorrect permissions assigned to
   non-gallery pages
 * [93587] High CVE-2011-2860: Use-after-free in table style handling
 * [93596] Medium CVE-2011-2861: Bad string read in PDF
 * [93906] High CVE-2011-2862: Unintended access to v8 built-in objects
 * [95563] Medium CVE-2011-2864: Out-of-bounds read with Tibetan characters
 * [95625] Medium CVE-2011-2858: Out-of-bounds read with triangle arrays
 * [95917] Low CVE-2011-2874: Failure to pin a self-signed cert for a session
 * [95920] High CVE-2011-2875: Type confusion in v8 object sealing
- detailed changelog at
- BuildRequires gnutls-devel, otherwise cups-config fails ( from tvignaud )
- Do not apply P3: Fix build
- new upstream release 13.0.782.220 (99552)
 * revoking trust for SSL certificates issued by DigiNotar-controlled
   intermediate CAs used by the Dutch PKIoverheid program
  	( mga # 2581 )

* Wed May 18 2011 tv <tv> 11.0.696.68-1.mga1
+ Revision: 99600
- new upstream release 11.0.696.68 (stable)
- security fixes
  * [64046] High CVE-2011-1799: Bad casts in Chromium WebKit glue.
  * [80608] High CVE-2011-1800: Integer overflows in SVG filters.

* Sat May 07 2011 tv <tv> 11.0.696.65-1.mga1
+ Revision: 95741
- new upstream release 11.0.696.65 (stable)

* Fri Apr 29 2011 tv <tv> 11.0.696.57-1.mga1
+ Revision: 93388
- new upstream release 11.0.696.57 (stable)
  (detailed changelog at

* Fri Apr 15 2011 tv <tv> 10.0.648.205-1.mga1
+ Revision: 85803
- new upstream release 10.0.648.205 (stable)
  (detailed changelog at

* Wed Apr 06 2011 tv <tv> 10.0.648.204-1.mga1
+ Revision: 80981
- new upstream release 10.0.648.204 (stable)
- BuildRequires: libevent-devel speex-devel
- fix a group

* Tue Mar 22 2011 tv <tv> 10.0.648.151-1.mga1
+ Revision: 75407
- new upstream release 10.0.648.151 (stable)
  * blacklist a small number of HTTPS certificates

* Wed Mar 16 2011 tv <tv> 10.0.648.133-1.mga1
+ Revision: 72787
- imported package chromium-browser-stable

* Sat Mar 12 2011 Claudio Matsuoka <> 10.0.648.133-1mdv2011.0
+ Revision: 644042
- new upstream release 10.0.648.133 (stable)
  * [CVE-2011-1290] fix memory corruption in style handling
- check presence of patch files

* Fri Mar 11 2011 Claudio Matsuoka <> 10.0.648.127-2
+ Revision: 643848
- apply patches correctly

* Wed Mar 09 2011 Claudio Matsuoka <> 10.0.648.127-1
+ Revision: 643105
- new upstream release 10.0.648.127 (stable)
  * New version of V8 which greatly improves javascript performance
  * New settings pages that open in a tab, rather than a dialog box
  * Improved security with malware reporting and disabling outdated plugins
    by default
  * Password sync as part of Chrome Sync now enabled by default
  * GPU Accelerated Video
  * Background WebApps
  * webNavigation extension API
- annoucement and security fix list:
- move chromium patch 10.0.648.114 from beta channel to stable
- move chromium patch 10.0.648.82 from beta channel to stable
- move chromium patch 10.0.648.127 from beta channel to stable
- move chromium patch 10.0.648.126 from beta channel to stable
- move chromium 10.0.648.45 from beta channel to stable
- move patch from beta channel to stable
- move patch from beta channel to stable

* Tue Mar 01 2011 Claudio Matsuoka <> 9.0.597.107-1
+ Revision: 641075
- new upstream release 9.0.597.107 (stable)
- contains security fixes, see detais at
- add beta browser to the downgrade notice in spec description

* Sat Feb 12 2011 Claudio Matsuoka <> 9.0.597.98-1
+ Revision: 637364
- new upstream version 9.0.597.98
- add conflicts to beta channel browser
- add obsoletes entry for old (canary) chromium-browser package

* Thu Feb 10 2011 Claudio Matsuoka <> 9.0.597.94-1
+ Revision: 637082
- imported package chromium-browser-stable