

distrib > Altlinux > 4.1 > i586 > media > core-src > by-pkgid > 707f5067461c1948b861ed86dae7c8f7 > files > 8


# vim: set ft=spec: -*- spec -*-

%define _libexecdir /usr/libexec

# xscreensaver RPM macros
%define xss_hack_dir	%_libexecdir/%name
%define xss_conf_dir	%_datadir/%name/config
%define xss_ad_dir	%_sysconfdir/X11/%name/hack.d

%define _update_xscreensaver_bin %_bindir/update-%name
%define update_xscreensaver	[ "$1" = 1 -a -x %_update_xscreensaver_bin ] && %_update_xscreensaver_bin ||:
%define clean_xscreensaver	[ -x %_update_xscreensaver_bin ] && %_update_xscreensaver_bin ||:

Name: xscreensaver
Version: 5.07
Release: alt0.M41.1
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system
License: BSD
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Packager: Sir Raorn <>

# GIT repo git.alt:/people/raorn/packages/xscreensaver.git
Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-alt1.patch

Source1: %name-%version-ad.tar

Source2: %name.pamd

Source4: xscreensaver-hacks
Source5: xscreensaver-hacks-gl

Requires: xli urlview
Requires: %name-hack
Provides: %name-contrib = %version-%release
Obsoletes: %name-contrib

Provides: screen-saver-engine

# Depends on Patch1
%set_autoconf_version 2.5
BuildPreReq: autoconf_2.5

# Automatically added by buildreq on Sat Jan 28 2006 and filtered by raorn
BuildRequires: bc glib2-devel gnome-screensaver-utils libICE-devel libSM-devel libX11-devel libXext-devel libXinerama-devel libXmu-devel libXpm-devel libXrandr-devel libXrender-devel libXt-devel libXxf86misc-devel libXxf86vm-devel libatk-devel libcairo-devel libglade2-devel libgle-devel libgtk+2-devel libjpeg-devel libmesa-devel libpam-devel libpango-devel libxml2-devel pam_userpass-devel pkg-config xorg-x11-proto-devel zlib-devel

A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

%package -n rpm-build-%name
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system - RPM macros
Group: Development/Other
Conflicts: %name > %version-%release
Conflicts: %name < %version-%release
PreReq: %_sysconfdir/rpm/macros.d
Provides: %name-devel = %version-%release
Obsoletes: %name-devel <= 5.05-alt1

%description -n rpm-build-%name
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

This package contains RPM macros needed to build packages
for additional xscreensaver hacks.

%package hacks
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system - standard hacks
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Requires: %name-modules = %version-%release
Provides: %name-hack = %version-%release

%description hacks
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

This package contains standard xscreensaver hacks.

%package hacks-gl
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system - GL hacks
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Requires: %name-modules-gl = %version-%release
Provides: %name-hack = %version-%release
Provides: %name-gl = %version-%release
Obsoletes: %name-gl

%description hacks-gl
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

This package contains OpenGL xscreensaver hacks.

%package -n gnome-screensaver-modules-xscreensaver
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system - GNOME Screensaver modules
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Requires: %name-modules = %version-%release
Requires: gnome-screensaver
Provides: gnome-screensaver-module

%description -n gnome-screensaver-modules-xscreensaver
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

This package contains modules for GNOME Screensaver.

%package -n gnome-screensaver-modules-xscreensaver-gl
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system - GNOME Screensaver modules
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Requires: %name-modules-gl = %version-%release
Requires: gnome-screensaver
Provides: gnome-screensaver-module

%description -n gnome-screensaver-modules-xscreensaver-gl
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

This package contains OpenGL modules for GNOME Screensaver.

%package modules
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system - standard modules
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Conflicts: %name < %version-%release
Conflicts: %name > %version-%release
# By webcollage...
Requires: netpbm libjpeg-utils
# By noseguy and phosphor
Requires: fortune-mod

%description modules
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

This package contains standard standalone modules.

%package modules-gl
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system - GL modules
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Conflicts: %name < %version-%release
Conflicts: %name > %version-%release
# By starwars
Requires: fortune-mod

%description modules-gl
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

This package contains OpenGL standalone modules.

%package frontend
Summary: A screen saver and locker for the X window system - configuration frontend
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: %name-gnome = %version-%release
Provides: screen-saver-frontend
Obsoletes: %name-gnome

%description frontend
A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
Highly customizable: allows the use of any program that
can draw on the root window as a display mode.

This package contains xscreensaver configuration frontend.

%setup -q
%patch -p1

%configure \
  --without-motif \
  --with-pam \
  --without-shadow \
  --with-gl \
  --without-pixbuf \
  --without-mit-ext \


%__mkdir_p %buildroot{%_bindir,%_sysconfdir/{rpm/macros.d,X11/{app-defaults,%name}},%_sysconfdir/pam.d,%_datadir/pixmaps}
%make_install install_prefix=%buildroot \
  KDEDIR=%_prefix \
  GNOME_BINDIR=%_bindir \
  AD_DIR=%_sysconfdir/X11/app-defaults \

%__install -m640 %SOURCE2 %buildroot%_sysconfdir/pam.d/%name
%__install -m755 %SOURCE3 %buildroot%_bindir/update-%name

%__cat <<EOF >%buildroot%_sysconfdir/rpm/macros.d/%name
%%xss_hack_dir	%xss_hack_dir	
%%xss_conf_dir	%xss_conf_dir	
%%xss_ad_dir	%xss_ad_dir	

%%_update_xscreensaver_bin %_bindir/update-%name
%%update_xscreensaver	[ "\$1" = 1 -a -x %_update_xscreensaver_bin ] && %_update_xscreensaver_bin ||:
%%clean_xscreensaver	[ -x %_update_xscreensaver_bin ] && %_update_xscreensaver_bin ||:

%__tar xf %SOURCE1 -C %buildroot%_sysconfdir/X11/%name

%find_lang %name

MkModuleFilelists() {
  list="$1" && shift
  name="$1" && shift

  :> "%name-hacks-$name"
  :> "%name-modules-$name"
  :> "%name-gnome-$name"

  while read module; do
    echo "%%config %xss_ad_dir/$module.xss" >> "%name-hacks-$name"
    echo "%xss_conf_dir/$module.xml" >> "%name-hacks-$name"
    echo "%xss_hack_dir/$module" >> "%name-modules-$name"
    [ -f "%buildroot%_man6dir/$module.6" ] && echo "%_man6dir/$module.6*" >> "%name-modules-$name" ||:
    pushd %buildroot%_datadir/applications/screensavers
    %_libexecdir/gnome-screensaver/ %buildroot%xss_conf_dir/$module.xml
    echo "%_datadir/applications/screensavers/xscreensaver-$module.desktop" >> "%name-gnome-$name"
  done < "$list"

mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/applications/screensavers
MkModuleFilelists %_sourcedir/xscreensaver-hacks std
MkModuleFilelists %_sourcedir/xscreensaver-hacks-gl gl

%triggerpostun -- %name < 4.22-alt2, %name-hacks < 4.22-alt2, %name-hacks-gl < 4.22-alt2, %name-hacks-rss_glx < 0.7.4-alt3.1.2
[ $2 -gt 0 ] || exit 0
[ -x %_update_xscreensaver_bin ] && %_update_xscreensaver_bin ||:


%post hacks

%post hacks-gl

%post frontend

%postun hacks

%postun hacks-gl

%postun frontend

%doc README README.hacking
%verify(not md5 size mtime) %ghost %config(missingok) %_sysconfdir/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver
%dir %_sysconfdir/X11/%name
%dir %xss_ad_dir
%config %_sysconfdir/X11/%name/
%config %_sysconfdir/X11/%name/%name.bottom
%attr(640,root,chkpwd) %config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/pam.d/*
%attr(2711,root,chkpwd) %_bindir/%name

%dir %_datadir/%name
%dir %xss_conf_dir
%doc %xss_conf_dir/README
%dir %xss_hack_dir



%files frontend -f %name.lang

%files -n rpm-build-%name

%files hacks -f xscreensaver-hacks-std

%files hacks-gl -f xscreensaver-hacks-gl

%files modules -f xscreensaver-modules-std
%dir %xss_hack_dir

%files modules-gl -f xscreensaver-modules-gl
%dir %xss_hack_dir

%files -n gnome-screensaver-modules-xscreensaver -f xscreensaver-gnome-std

%files -n gnome-screensaver-modules-xscreensaver-gl -f xscreensaver-gnome-gl

* Mon Aug 18 2008 Yuri N. Sedunov <> 5.07-alt0.M41.1
- Backport to 4.1 branch

* Tue Aug 12 2008 Sir Raorn <> 5.07-alt1
- [5.07]
- New hacks:
  + skytentacles (GL)
- Added generic screen-saver-engine/frontend provides
- gnome-screensaver compatibility
- xscreensaver-devel renamed to rpm-build-xscreensaver

* Tue Apr 15 2008 Sir Raorn <> 5.05-alt2
- Suggest xscreensaver-frontend installation if
  xscreensaver-demo missing (closes: #15278)

* Sat Mar 08 2008 Sir Raorn <> 5.05-alt1
- [5.05]
- New hacks:
  + cubicgrid (GL)
  + hypnowheel (GL)
  + lcdscrub

* Wed Nov 14 2007 Sir Raorn <> 5.04-alt1
- [5.04]
- New hacks:
  + abstractile
  + lockward (GL)
  + moebiusgears (GL)

* Sun Oct 28 2007 Sir Raorn <> 5.03-alt1
- [5.03]
- New hacks:
  + cwaves
  + glcells (GL)
  + m6502
  + voronoi (GL)

* Wed Oct 17 2007 Sir Raorn <> 5.02-alt1
- [5.02]
- Don't use pam_userpass, this allows use of non-password
  auth modules (like fingerprint check)

* Sun Sep 24 2006 Sir Raorn <> 5.01-alt1
- [5.01]
- All patches merged in git repository

* Wed May 24 2006 Sir Raorn <> 5.00-alt1
- [5.00]
- Removed patches:
  + cyrilm-alt-maze_walk.patch (unsupported)
- New hacks:
  + glschool (GL)
  + topblock (GL)
- Removed hacks:
  + xteevee (superceded by xanalogtv)

* Sun Feb 12 2006 Sir Raorn <> 4.24-alt1
- [4.24]

* Sat Jan 28 2006 Sir Raorn <> 4.23-alt2
- Rebuilt with new Xorg, buildreqs updated
- Do not generate menu file
- Removed compatibility symlinks to %%_x11bindir

* Sat Oct 22 2005 Sir Raorn <> 4.23-alt1
- [4.23]
- Removed patches:
  + alt-double-free (merged upstream)
- %%_x11bindir links made relative
- New hacks:
  + celtic
  + cube21 (GL)
  + glhanoi (GL)
  + juggler3d (GL)
  + timetunnel (GL)
- Removed hacks:
  + ant

* Fri Aug 12 2005 Sir Raorn <> 4.22-alt2
- Eliminated double-free in xscreensaver-demo
- Added compatibility symlinks to xscreensaver, xscreensaver-command
  and xscreensaver-demo (closes: #7617)
- Reviewed %%update_xscreensaver and %%clean_xscreensaver macros to
  run only after uninstall of old package

* Tue Aug 02 2005 Sir Raorn <> 4.22-alt1
- [4.22]
- Updated patches:
  + alt-mdk-oneshot
  + alt-perl-disable-diagnostics
- New filesystem layout:
  + /usr/X11R6/bin -> /usr/bin
  + /usr/X11R6/lib/xscreensaver -> /usr/libexec/xscreensaver
  + /usr/X11R6/lib/xscreensaver/config -> /usr/share/xscreensaver/config
- gnome subpackage removed (ancient GNOME versions support dropped in upstream)
- contrib subpackage removed (xml files for foreign hacks was dropped
  in upstream, *.xss files comes into main package)
- New hacks:
  + antmaze (GL)
  + crackberg (GL)
  + fliptext (GL)
  + interaggregate
  + tangram (GL)

* Sun Feb 27 2005 Sir Raorn <> 4.20-alt1
- [4.20]
- Removed obsolete GNOME stuff
- Removed KDE support (it doesn't work with KDE3 anyway)
- Use for menu generation
- New hacks:
  boing (GL)
  carousel (GL)

* Thu Dec 16 2004 Sir Raorn <> 4.19-alt1
- [4.19]
- Disabled buggy MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension
- New hacks:
  pinion (GL)

* Mon Oct 04 2004 Sir Raorn <> 4.18-alt2
- Fixed typo in providence.xss (closes: #5280)

* Mon Aug 16 2004 Sir Raorn <> 4.18-alt1
- [4.18]
- New hacks:

* Thu May 13 2004 Sir Raorn <> 4.16-alt1
- [4.16]
- Fix deps in -kde (kdebase -> kdebase-common)
- Spec cleanup
- New hacks:
  antinspect (GL)
  polyhedra (GL)
  providence (GL)

* Tue Mar 02 2004 Sir Raorn <> 4.15-alt1
- [4.15]
- New hacks:
  noof (GL)

* Sun Nov 09 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.14-alt2
- Fixed insecure tempfile handling

* Tue Oct 28 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.14-alt1
- [4.14]
- New hacks:
  blinkbox (GL)
  gleidescope (GL)
  mirrorblob (GL)

* Mon Sep 22 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.13-alt1
- [4.13]
- ljlatest helper (fortune(6) replacement - see man ljlatest)

* Sat Sep 06 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.12-alt1
- [4.12]
- New hacks:
  antspotlight (GL)
  fireflies (contrib)
  flipflop (GL)
  polytopes (GL)

* Wed Jul 02 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.11-alt1
- [4.11]
- Updated patches:
- New hacks:
  blocktube (GL)
  cubestorm (GL)
  glknots (GL)
  glmatrix (GL)
  hypertorus (GL)
  klein (GL)

* Sat May 17 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.09-alt3
- Dropped pixbuf support (this removes daemon's dependency to
- netpbm and libjpeg-utils are *required* by webcollage (-hacks)
- fortune-mod is really required by noseguy, phosphor and
  starwars (-hacks and -hacks-gl)

* Sat May 10 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.09-alt2
- xscreensaver-demo moved to -frontend subpackage
- Added xscreensaver-demo menu entry

* Mon Apr 14 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.09-alt1
- [4.09]
- Updated BuildRequires
- Split to xscreensaver, xscreensaver-hacks and xscreensaver-hacks-gl
- Replace chbg with xli in Requires
- Ignore missing hacks by default (suggested by rider)
- Use MIT-SCREEN-SAVER by default if available
- Set .loadURL program to from urlview package
- Set .manualCommand to xvt ... -e sh -c man (get rid of fscking yelp)
- Fix glplanet's config and manpage (closes #0002399)
- Do not 'use diagnostics' in perl scripts since it (indirectly)
  requires perl-pod (reported by dfo)
- Split XScreenSaver AD to pieces 
  update-xscreensaver script
- RPM macros (in -devel)
- New hacks:
  bouncingcow (GL)
  extrusion (GLE)
  flyingtoasters (GL)
  glslideshow (GL)
  jigglypuff (GL)

* Mon Mar 10 2003 Sir Raorn <> 4.08-alt1
- [4.08]
- mesa_version patch is no longer needed
- New hacks:
  atunnel (GL)
  flurry (GL)
- Fix icon in -gnome
- XScreenSaver AD is no longer "noreplace"

* Tue Nov 19 2002 Sir Raorn <> 4.06-alt2
- Added -contrib package
- Fixed filelist (all work and no sleep makes raorn a dull boy)
- Patch by Cyril "Sir Kot" Margorin <>:
  Walk through Maze after solving it

* Sun Nov 17 2002 Sir Raorn <> 4.06-alt1
- [4.06]
- Specfile rewritten from scratch
- Patches from 4.00-alt3:
- KDE and GNOME control panel applets