

distrib > Altlinux > 4.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 2ccbc8d542010e6f7787c421e42034f5 > files > 5


#!/bin/sh -e
# -*- mode: Shell-script; tab-width: 8; fill-column: 70; -*- 
# $Id: php.example,v 0.0.1 2005/10/28 14:10:15 legion Exp $ 
# This is easy to use way to make own profile of php configuration. This way base on control(8) system.
# To make new profile You must think up his name and simply add new rule to this profile.
# New rules should be added by function `php_rule'.
#   <MODE>       - profile name
#   <DIIRECTIVE> - php.ini directive
#   <VALUE>      - value which must be specified for this profile.
# optional argument:
#   <INTERNAL_VALUE> - php internal representing of <VALUE>.
#                      Example: "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" -> "2039"
# Also we have some predefined readonly variables:
#     PHP_SAPI - Service API Name (cli, cgi, mod_php ...)
#     PHP_VERSION - php version.
#     PHP_LIBDIR - php extensions location.
#     PHP_INI - php.ini for current PHP_SAPI .
#     php_on  - boolean On. This variable should be uesd as <VALUE> instead Yes, On, True or 1.
#     php_off - boolean Off. This variable should be uesd as <VALUE> instead No, Off, False or 0. 
# Example: 
#     php_rule "crazyfrog" "safe_mode"       "$php_on"
#     php_rule "crazyfrog" "post_max_size"   "1M"
#     php_rule "crazyfrog" "error_reporting" "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" "2039"
#     php_rule "crazyfrog" "extension_dir"   "/usr/lib/php/$PHP_VERSION/extensions/"